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In this much anticipated sequel to The True Meaning of Smekday, Tip and J.Lo are back for another hilarious intergalactic adventure. And this time (and last time, and maybe next time), they want to make things right with the Boov. After Tip and J.Lo banished the Gorg from Earth in a scheme involving the cloning of many, many cats, the pair is notorious-but not for their heroics. Instead, human Dan Landry has taken credit for conquering the Gorg, and the Boov blame J.Lo for ruining their colonization of the planet. Determined to clear his name, J.Lo and Tip pack into Slushious, a Chevy that J.Lo has engineered into a fairly operational spaceship, and head to New Boovworld, the aliens' new home on one of Saturn's moons. But their welcome isn't quite as warm as Tip and J.Lo would have liked. J.Lo is dubbed Public Enemy Number One, and Captain Smek knows that capturing the alien is the only way he'll stand a chance in the Boovs' first-ever presidential election. With the help of a friendly flying billboard named Bill, a journey through various garbage chutes, a bit of time travel, and a slew of hilarious Boovish accents, Tip and J.Lo must fight to set the record straight-and return home in once piece.
Adam Rex (Author), Bahni Turpin (Narrator)
For Lavella Ambergundy, the time was near when she would learn that not everything was as she believed it to be. The life she had known thus far was not to last much longer, and she would soon see what others could not. In the land of Antropia, where magic is a way of life, the Black Witch Kurolyn and her Dark Magic Clan have enslaved people and animals alike, destroying the Order of the Sages that had kept peace for so long. Two brave mages made the ultimate sacrifice when they sent their unborn daughter through time and space to the other side, so that she might one day return to Antropia and liberate her people. With the help of her powerful Djèmokin guides and a secret weapon lying in wait, Lavella crosses over to fulfill the destiny her parents had created.
Chadley Tuthill (Author), A Full Cast (Narrator)
The city of Bryre suffers under the magic of an evil wizard. Because of his curse, girls sicken and disappear without a trace, and Bryre's inhabitants live in fear. No one is allowed outside after dark. Yet night is the only time that Kymera can enter this dangerous city, for she must not be seen by humans. Her father says they would not understand her wings, the bolts in her neck, or her spiky tail, they would kill her. They would not understand that she was created for a purpose: to rescue the girls of Bryre. Despite her caution, a boy named Ren sees Kym and begins to leave a perfect red rose for her every evening. As they become friends, Kym learns that Ren knows about the missing girls, the wizard, and the evil magic that haunts Bryre. And what he knows will change Kym's life. Reminiscent of Frankenstein and the tales of the Brothers Grimm, this debut novel by MarcyKate Connolly stands out as a compelling, original story that has the feel of a classic.
Marcykate Connolly (Author), Brittany Pressley (Narrator)
Seven Wonders Journals: The Key
Discover the history behind the mystery of the Seven Wonders. Follow the tale of Aliyah and Osman, twin treasure hunters pressed into a life of crime. For them, every day is another desperate death-defying adventure until they stumble upon the key that may lead to the greatest treasure ever. But to take home this magical orb, they must first battle their way out of the Tomb of Shadows. Delve into the madness, the mystery, and the magic of Seven Wonders, the New York Times bestselling epic adventure series from master storyteller Peter Lerangis.
Peter Lerangis (Author), Amielynn Abellera (Narrator)
B Smith has been reunited with the murderous maniac clown, Mr. Dowling. To her shock and consternation, he's desperate to make B his partner in crime. Mr. Dowling disgusts her, but B thinks she can see a way to control him and maybe even save the world. But it will involve a sacrifice far greater and more surreal than any she has contemplated before...
Darren Shan (Author), Emma Galvin (Narrator)
A risky decision endangers both Artimé and Quill in book five of the New York Times bestselling Unwanteds series, which Kirkus Reviews called "The Hunger Games meets Harry Potter."Alex and his friends from Artimé are stranded on a newly discovered island after barely surviving a storm that destroys their ship. And it turns out they're not alone... Back in Quill, Aaron's power base grows as he aligns himself with an unlikely ally. Together, the two enact a drastic, risky plan to finally conquer Artimé-a plan that could ultimately leave everyone in both Artimé and Quill in far more danger than Aaron realizes.
Lisa McMann (Author), Steve West (Narrator)
Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy
Simon Lewis never thought he'd become a Shadowhunter...and now he has the chance. One of ten adventures in Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy. After living as a Mundane and a Vampire, Simon never thought he would become a Shadowhunter, but today he begins his training at Shadowhunter Academy. This standalone e-only short story follows the adventures of Simon Lewis, star of the #1 New York Times bestselling series The Mortal Instruments, as he trains to become a Shadowhunter. Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy features characters from Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments, Infernal Devices, and the upcoming Dark Artifices and Last Hours series. Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy is written by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan.
Cassandra Clare, Maureen Johnson (Author), Devon Bostick (Narrator)
Seventh Son: The Spook's Apprentice Film Tie-in
'Someone has to stand against the dark. And you're the only one who can.' For years, the local Spook has been keeping the County safe from evil. Now his time is coming to an end, but who will take over? Many apprentices have tried . . . Some floundered, some fled, some failed to stay alive. Just one boy is left. Thomas Ward. He is the last hope. But does he stand a chance against Mother Malkin, the most dangerous witch in the County? A special bumper movie tie-in edition of The Spook's Apprentice and The Spook's Curse, the first two books in Joseph Delaney's worldwide hit Spook's series. The movie, Seventh Son, stars Jeff Bridges, Julianne Moore and Ben Barnes.
Joseph Delaney (Author), Jamie Glover, Will Thorp (Narrator)
The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck (Children's Classics)
Listen to the story of Jemima Puddle-duck, who was annoyed because the farmer's wife would not let her hatch her own eggs.
Beatrix Potter (Author), Josh Verbae (Narrator)
Once upon a time there was a wood-mouse, and her name was Mrs. Tittlemouse. She lived in a bank under a hedge. Such a funny house! There were yards and yards of sandy passages, leading to storerooms and nut-cellars and seed-cellars, all amongst the roots of the hedge.
Beatrix Potter (Author), Josh Verbae (Narrator)
Ein geheimnisvoller Ring führt Melody zu einem Steinkreis aus uralter Zeit. Hier findet sie einen seltsam geformten Stein - der sich als Ei eines Greifen entpuppt. Schon bald schlüpft Agravain, halb Löwe, halb Adler. Das Wundertier wächst nicht nur rasend schnell, es kann auch in Gedanken mit Melody sprechen. Doch leider sind finstere Gestalten hinter Agravain her. Sie werden bald auch für Melody zur Gefahr. Michael Peinkofer ist mit seiner Geschichte über die Freundschaft zwischen einem Mädchen und einem Greifen der Auftakt einer neuen, fesselnden Fantasy-Trilogie gelungen. Stefan Kaminski gibt jedem Charater eine unverwechselbare Stimme und sorgt für ein spannendes Hörerlebnis. Das gleichnamige Buch ist im Ravensburger Buchverlag erschienen.
Michael Peinkofer (Author), Stefan Kaminski (Narrator)
Gute-Nacht-Geschichten: Hans und Fritz mit Susi und Petra - Band II: Wunderschöne Einschlafgeschicht
In diesem Band findest du folgende Geschichten: Der Geheimgang: Es ist ein langweiliger, regnerischer Tag. Hans und Fritz wissen nicht, was sie anstellen sollen. Nicht einmal, als sie Susi und Petra ebenfalls einladen, kommt so richtig Stimmung auf... bis sie anfangen, besondere Gegenstände zu sammeln... Altes Gerümpel wird zu geheimnisvollen Schätzen, sogar ein Geheimgang tut sich auf ... - oder war das alles doch nur ein Traum...? Mia in Not: Hans und Fritz entdecken Mia, der es gar nicht gut geht... Kurz entschlossen handeln sie und holen Hilfe, um Mia zu retten. Denn einem Freund in Not hilft man, ob es sich nun um einen Menschen oder ein Tier handelt... - Es heißt: 'Ein Elefant vergisst nie' - eine Katze auch nicht... Abenteuer im Wald: Was würdest du tun, wenn du unheimliche Geräusche im Wald hörst? Gar nicht mal so einfach zu sagen, oder? In dieser Geschichte erfährst du, wie Hans und Fritz die Situation meistern und außerdem, welche Tiere es früher in unseren Wäldern gab und von denen manchmal heute wieder ein paar Exemplare hier auftauchen... Der Pferdediebstahl: Susi und Petra sind auf dem Reiterhof bei Tante Gabi zu Besuch. Wie jedes Mal, wenn sie dort ihre Ferien verbringen, reiten sie viel und haben Spaß beim Füttern und Pflegen der Tiere - und putzen der Ställe. Alles könnte so schön sein - doch plötzlich verschwindet Dotterblume, ein von beiden heiß geliebtes Pferd. Ob der unheimliche Mann, der plötzlich mit seinem seltsamen Anhänger auftaucht, etwas damit zu tun hat? Die Freundschaft mit dem Delfin: Die Familien von Hans und Fritz unternehmen gemeinsam einen Sommerurlaub nach Australien! Mit Wohnmobilen, die sie dort mieten, erkunden sie das unbekannte Land. Da ist es ganz klar, dass sie viele schöne und spannende Abenteuer erleben... Das wohl beste und außergewöhnlichste dieser Abenteuer erzählt dir diese Geschichte.
Carina Bauer, Michael Bauer (Author), Michael Bauer (Narrator)
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