Can good things really come from bad things?
Why does God allow bad things to happen?
Will Daddy still be able to hear me from Heaven?
These are just some of the questions Renee starts thinking about after she finds out that her daddy has cancer. She feels very sad and struggles to understand why this is happening. He hasn't even been her daddy for that long – there's still so much they haven't done yet! All she can think to do is pray and ask God to make her daddy better. But when she realises he isn't, she begins to wonder what God's plan is, and whether God can hear her prayers at all. She documents all the things that are happening in her diary as she watches her daddy go through the stages of cancer. Through this painful experience, she learns about the meaning of faith and how she can stay connected to her beloved father after he is gone.
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Renee keeps a diary after she finds out her daddy is sick with cancer. She even starts praying and asking God to make him better. But, what if he doesn’t get any better?
She is worried that she won’t be able to talk to her daddy after he has gone, but her daddy encourages her to keep talking to him, no matter what.
“But how will I know if you can hear me?” she asks.
“Just have faith,” her daddy answers.
Even as he becomes sicker and weaker, she learns about the meaning of faith and sees how we can still have peace and joy during such a difficult time.
It is not easy to talk to your kids about the difficult and uncomfortable topics of death, loss and grief. Hopefully, with this book, readers can be uplifted and learn about how faith in Christ can bring us peace and comfort, knowing that death is not the end, but the beginning of an eternity with our Father in Heaven.