Los cachorritos del perro pertenecen a una camada, pero ¿cómo se les dice a los bebés de los zorrillos y cuál es el nombre de su grupo? Esta brillante, y rítmica historia nos cuenta justamente ésto. Contando del uno al diez, la historia nos presenta a los animales de nuestro jardín trasero que nos son familiares por sus bebés y sus nombres de grupo.
Baby dogs are puppies and they belong to a litter, but what is a baby skunk called and what is the name of its family group? This clever, rhythmic story tells us just that! Counting from one to 10, familiar backyard animals are introduced by baby and family group name. Each stanza also tells a bit more about each animal by providing clues as to what they eat, how they sound or where they live. The "For Creative Minds" section includes more animal fun facts, information on keeping a nature journal and how to watch for wildlife in your own backyard.