Collection of Short Meditation and Fantasy Stories to Drift Your Children Into a Peacefully Sleep.Does your child have a hard time falling asleep at night?
Would you like your child to learn mindfulness skills that will allow them to thrive in life?
Bedtime is an important part of a child's day, and it is vital to establish a set routine at an early age. Bedtime stories are very beneficial aspect of the bedtime routine.
Not only does a quick story before help calm your child down, but it can also increase their vocabulary, improve their concentration skills, and stimulate and encourage creativity and imagination. Telling your child a bedtime story is also a good way to bond with them and spend quality time together.
Even if your child has never enjoyed bedtime before, Bedtime Stories for Kids will change that!
You’ll be surprised by how much your little one will like to hear your voice telling magical and fun tales.
Do you want to know more?
Help Your Children Fall Asleep Fast in Bed and Relax with Short and Funny Stories.Does your child have a hard time falling asleep at night?
Would you like your child to learn essential mindfulness skills that will allow them to thrive in life?
Sleep is essential to your child's development. Adequate amounts of sleep lead to improved attention, behavior, learning, memory, quality of life, and mental health!
Bedtime stories are about much more than just sleep, though. They allow you and your child to deeply connect at the end of each day, a time your child will cherish for years to come.
And, then we have the vast amount of benefits children get as a result of listening to or being read) a bedtime story every night.
Help Your Children Fall Asleep Fast & Dreaming Peacefully with Funny Short Stories.
Do you want to help your child fall asleep every night as you bond with them using bedtime stories?
For kids, the unfortunate consequences of growing up in our busy, tech-connected society are that human connection suffers, focus suffers, mental health suffers, and sleep suffers.
Mindfulness practices are scientifically proven to improve all of the above. Each story combines mindfulness/meditation research with professionally written children’s stories to help your child get lost in their imagination while reconnecting with the present moment.
Study after study has shown how bedtime stories help improve children's well-being, learning potential, creativity, child-parent bonding, and can make them happier than scrolling on their iPad and inspire children to become amazing creators.
Why don't you start giving your child a great time today? Scroll back to the top of this page and click “buy now”.