How much does an elephant weigh? How do you know? How would you know if you didn't have a modern scale? Six-year-old Cao Chong, the most famous child prodigy in Chinese history, faced just this problem! Chong watches as the prime minister's most trusted and learned advisors debate different methods. The principle of buoyancy and a little bit of creative thinking help this boy come up with a solution.
How much does an elephant weigh? How do you know? How would you know if you didn't have a modern scale? Six-year-old Cao Chong, the most famous child prodigy in Chinese history, faced just this problem! Chong watches as the prime minister's most trusted and learned advisors debate different methods. The principle of buoyancy and a little bit of creative thinking help this boy come up with a solution.
¿Cuánto pesa un elefante? ¿Cómo lo sabes? ¿Cómo sabrías si no contaras con una pesa moderna? Cao Chong, de seis años de edad, el niño más prodigioso en la historia de la China, se encontraba con este problema.
Mientras que Ming juega afuera durante un día de verano, el olor a una comida deliciosa llena el aire. ¿Viene de la casa del ávaro de Fu Wang? "¿Qué se trae entre manos?", se pregunta Ming. Para su asombro, Fu Wang exige a todos los vecinos que le paguen por los olores tan placenteros. Cuando los vecinos se rehusan, el caso se va a la corte. ¿Cómo va a deliberar el juez en este caso tan inusual? ¿Puede Fu Wang hacer dinero con el sentido del olfato de los vecinos? Un juez inteligente hace uso de otro sentido común para cerrar el caso con una lógica muy acertada y convincente.
While Ming plays outside one summer day, the smell of delicious food fills the air. It is coming from greedy Fu Wang's house. "What is he up to?" wonders Ming. To his alarm, Fu Wang demands that all the neighbors pay him for the pleasant smells. When the neighbors refuse, the case goes to court. How will the judge rule in this unusual case and will justice be served? Can Fu Wang make money from the neighbors' sense of smell? A wise judge makes use of another sense to close the case with clever and convincing logic.
While Ming plays outside one summer day, the smell of delicious food fills the air. It is coming from greedy Fu Wang's house. "What is he up to?" wonders Ming. To his alarm, Fu Wang demands that all the neighbors pay him for the pleasant smells. When the neighbors refuse, the case goes to court. How will the judge rule in this unusual case and will justice be served? Can Fu Wang make money from the neighbors' sense of smell? A wise judge makes use of another sense to close the case with clever and convincing logic.