Lots of children have pen pals but one little girl has a real-life dragon-a Komodo dragon-for a pen pal! Leslie plans to be a dragon hunter when she grows up. When she and Komodo become pen pals, the wise-cracking dragon adds a generous helping of humor to letters that are chock full of accurate, interesting facts. Leslie learns not only about the world's largest lizard, but also about the dangers they face. As their friendship builds, will Leslie change the way she thinks about dragons?
Muchos niños tienen amigos por correspondencia, pero el de una niña es un dragón real: un dragón de Komodo. Lisa planea ser una cazadora de dragones cuando sea grande. Cuando ella y Komodo se convierten en amigos, el ingenioso dragón añade una cantidad generosa de humor a cartas repletas de datos precisos e interesantes. Lisa aprende no sólo sobre el lagarto más grande del mundo, sino también sobre los peligros que este enfrenta. A medida que crezca su amistad, ¿cambiará Lisa su forma de pensar acerca de los dragones?
Why are ravens black? Why do screech owl eyes look red in light? How did we get fire? You'll find the answers to those questions in this retelling of a Cherokee pourquoi folktale. The earth was cold and dark but the animals could see fire coming from the tree on the island. They tried to fly or swim to the island to bring back the fire heat and light. What happened to some of the animals? Which animal brought it back and how?