This is a story about a young lady, Missy, aged twelve at the time of her writing this book.
Missy suffers from a rare blood disease called Primary Immune Deficiency. This has required her to have replacement therapy of antibodies via intravenous or subcutaneous infusion her whole life. At the time of printing this book Missy undergoes daily infusion of antibodies into her abdomen which takes approximately two hours every day.
Not only has Missy suffered with physical health but she also has had immense struggles with learning. Missy was diagnosed with severe dyslexia and dyspraxia amongst a number of other complex learning disorders!
This little book is a miracle in many ways. A child who was given very little hope for learning, or even life, has accomplished writing her own story about the life she lives!
This is a little gem of great worth. The short stories contained in this little book come from the heart of Missy Wood, who was 19 years old at the time of writing this booklet. She shares with us aspects of her own daily life while interweaving into that the message which God reveals to her through each life experience. Each short story is a treasure to behold, especially if you apply that which strikes a chord in your own heart. May the stories within speak to your heart and so bless you and your families.