An inspiring biography about the woman whose cooking helped feed and fund the Montgomery bus boycott of 1956.
Georgia Gilmore was cooking when she heard the news Mrs. Rosa Parks had been arrested--pulled off a city bus and thrown in jail all because she wouldn't let a white man take her seat. To protest, the radio urged everyone to stay off city buses for one day: December 5, 1955. Throughout the boycott--at Holt Street Baptist Church meetings led by a young minister named Martin Luther King, Jr.--and throughout the struggle for justice, Georgia served up her mouth-watering fried chicken, her spicy collard greens, and her sweet potato pie, eventually selling them to raise money to help the cause.
Here is the vibrant true story of a hidden figure of the civil rights movement, told in flavorful language by a picture-book master.
No one in the town of Bonnyripple ever kept a grudge.
No one, that is, except old Cornelius, the Grudge Keeper.
Ruffled feathers, petty snits, minor tiffs and major huffs, insults, umbrage, squabbles, dust-ups, and imbroglios-the Grudge Keeper received them all, large and small, tucking each one carefully away in his ramshackle cottage.
When a fierce wind blows through Bonnyripple, the residents are forced to rescue Cornelius and deal with their various disputes.
This touching story of a father and child's nighttime excursion to watch a meteor shower is told through the eyes of a child in awe of the night world. Rockliff's vivid descriptions make readers feel as though they too are watching the tiny bits of other, distant worlds blazing into our own.The "For Creative Minds" education section includes teaching trivia about meteors, meteor showers, comets, and asteroids as well as a "Meteor Math" game, a "Five Steps to a Fantastic Meteor Watching Party" checklist, and a recipe for comet cookies.
Ahora sí que yo estaba todo despierto. "¿Salir? ¿Salir adónde?" pero él se había ido. Ven junto con Jody y su padre a una excursión mágica y misteriosa al mundo nocturno-y del más allá. Con una prosa simple pero lírica e ilustraciones evocativas en acuarela, esta acogedora historia familiar trae a la vida la alegría y el asombro de un niño al ver su primera lluvia de meteoritos. La perfecta compenetración de la naturaleza, la ciencia y la imaginación, Pedazos de otro mundo deleitará a cualquier lector que ha contemplado la noche con admiración.