Every morning in the Japanese town of Shibuya, Professor Ueno awakens and is greeted by his loyal Akita dog, Hachiko. They enjoy a breakfast together before the professor leaves to catch the train to the school where he teaches. And Hachiko sits at the station eagerly awaiting his master's return. Then one afternoon Professor Ueno does not return. And Hachiko waits. Days and weeks pass and still no one-not even the young boy Yasuo who comes to care for him-can persuade the faithful dog to leave his post. Years go by and yet still he waits. In time, Hachiko will come to be remembered and honored throughout Japan for his singular devotion. Poet, author, and animal advocate Leslea Newman earned an ASPCA Henry Bergh Children's Book Honor and scores of other accolades for this touching tale based on a true story. Sprinkled throughout with Japanese vocabulary words, this audio production serves as an excellent introduction to a different culture while simultaneously illustrating the universality of human emotions.