I'm Lucy Rose, and here's the thing about this summer: I am big on fun and big on plans. I am desperate to make a lanyard keychain, and Jonique is feeling the same about potholders. Plus I have to get rid of 78 or more squirrels that are climbing all over Madam and Pop's apricot tree and taking bites out of the puny fruits and flinging them to the ground which is maddening to Madam who wants to make them into jam. The apricots, not the squirrels. Plus I have to figure out what to do about the absolute pest who is named Ashley and is making Parks & Rec not so much fun. And even though I don't want to think about it, I need to come up with a way to stop my parents' separation from turning into a divorce.
Here is the thing about that: All these things are an extremely lot to get done in one summer.
Lucy Rose is back with big plans and big fun in an all-new book about-who else? Her!
I'm Lucy Rose and here's the thing about me: I am eight and according to my grandfather I have the kind of life that is called eventful, which means NOT boring. According to my mom and my grandmother I'm what they call a handful. And according to my dad I am one smart cookie. I say I am one girl who is feeling not-so-sure about things on account of my parents got a separation. Plus my mom and I just moved to Washington, D.C. Plus I haven't met any friends yet but I do know someone who is not one and that is Adam Melon, who I call Melonhead. Here's another thing about me: most of the time I am plain hilarious. First-time author Katy Kelly introduces us to an original thinker who's got a lot on her mind and she's ready to share (minus the boring parts, of course). Lucy Rose is an unforgettable, one-of-a-kind girl with spark, spunk, and one great pair of cowgirl boots! (No kidding!) From the Hardcover edition.