John Cusick returns with the second hilarious installment of his middle grade duology about a 31st-century boy and a 21st-century girl who team up to save the universe.
Phineas T. Fogg and Lola Ray may have just saved the universe without really trying, but it’s going to take a lot of work to get Lola back home to the twenty-first century. Their only hope is to find Dimension Why. Good thing Lola’s father left her a map embossed on a Twinkie.
But before Phin and Lola can begin their search, a mysterious girl, wearing a bathrobe and riding a dragon, absconds with the special snack cake! And, oh right, the mystery girl wants to destroy the universe!
Now the two besties must travel the galaxy, escape the clutches of the Golden Cathedral, and face down the all-powerful evil AI of a floundering interstellar publishing company. As they begin to uncover the truth about their mysterious foe, Phineas and Lola realize that there’s more to this Twinkie-stealing, dragon-riding girl than meets the eye.
Pop open a Maybe Meal, heat up some baked beans, and get ready to save the universe one last time, we promise . . . with the second book in this hilarious adventure series by acclaimed author John Cusick.
A 31st-century boy and a 21st-century girl team up to save the universe, evade an evil race of bog mutants, and make a quick pit stop to visit the moon in Dimension Why.
John Cusick’s middle grade debut will transport you to a vast fantasy world full of absurd humor that will keep you gasping all the way to the twist ending
.Lola Ray was a normal 21st-century girl until a poorly timed sneeze in an X-ray machine flung her a thousand years into the future. To get back home, she’ll have to team up with Phineas T. Fogg, a 31st-century boy whose only friend up until now has been his talking teddy bear and whose overprotective parents have never let him leave his high-tech apartment.
Together, Lola and Phin will have to cross the galaxy, brave a mysterious invitation to tea, and escape a race of all-powerful interdimensional beings who are convinced that Lola knows the answer to the universe’s biggest question . . . the question of The End.