Based on the spellbinding world of the Walt Disney Studios film Tomorrowland, this original prequel novel unlocks a place of unfathomable science and technology and the famous people behind it.
The year is 1939.
A secret society of extraordinary geniuses is about to share an incredible discovery with the world.
A misguided enemy-half man, half machine-will stop at nothing to prevent the group from giving this forbidden knowledge to humanity.
And a mother and son on vacation in New York City are handed a comic book infused with a secret code that will lead them straight into the crossfires of the conspiracy.
Based on the spellbinding world of the Walt Disney Studios film Tomorrowland, this original prequel novel unlocks a place of unfathomable science and technology and the famous people behind it.
The year is 1939.
A secret society of extraordinary geniuses is about to share an incredible discovery with the world.
A misguided enemy-half man, half machine-will stop at nothing to prevent the group from giving this forbidden knowledge to humanity.
And a mother and son on vacation in New York City are handed a comic book infused with a secret code that will lead them straight into the crossfires of the conspiracy.
"Mystery and action drive the narrative, while multiple character perspectives impart backstory fragments that keep the reader wanting more...Though zeppelins and robots give this historic sci-fi adventure a steampunk flair, its plot is strictly high-voltage."-Booklist