In a hilarious sequel to No Dogs Allowed, Jason and Edward Fraser encounter a new set of adventures. From girlfriends to Halloween ghouls, from baseball to baby rats, the brothers find surprises at every turn in Rats! As Jason enters fourth grade, he begins to think girls are okay, until he gets caught in a tricky rating game. Meanwhile Edward, now in first grade, is trying hard to keep his eyes open when he swings at the softball, to laugh instead of cry in the spooky neighborhood haunted house, and to keep cool when his pet rat, Spike, has a litter of tiny pink babies. This collection of five stories is full of the fun and high spirits that attract young readers to all of Jane Cutler's books. Jason and Edward dodge the pitfalls of growing up-with the help of their good-humored parents-and still have time to contemplate some of life's larger issues, like where the escalator stairs go when they reach the top.
Because of allergies, five-year-old Edward Fraser and his older brother Jason can't have pets. Edward finds his own solution to the problem. He becomes a dog. In fact, he becomes so good at it, that two friends of Edward's from school start to act like dogs, too. Soon they sound so convincing that neighbors call the police to complain about the barking and yowling. When the police arrive, Jason wishes he could hide. A younger brother is bad enough, but a pet brother is just too much. Little does he know, three more of Edward's adventures await. No Dogs Allowed is a rollicking collection of stories including Rideout and Gateway, Killer Kelly, Four Eyes, Three Heads and The Unexpected by acclaimed children's author Jane Cutler. Johnny Heller's glowing narration conveys the simple joys of family life with charm and humor. Listeners will laugh out loud as Edward and Jason find themselves in the doghouse.