A man named Samson did WHAT with his bare hands? God used WHAT to feed Elijah? The Israelites did WHAT to knock down the walls of Jericho? If you want to learn the answers to these and other interesting Bible facts, let our 101 questions on the Old Testament take you back to those ancient times!
Feel like you are there! Fun music and sound effects for each question will help your Fantastic Forager dive into the world of the Old Testament. All questions are followed by a 10-second pause to allow time to think of the answer, and all Bible facts have references to find out more about each question and answer. Questions vary from easy to challenging, allowing children ages 8-16 to test their knowledge (or add to it!) in a fun and interactive way. These timeless truths are perfect for homeschoolers, Sunday schools, road trips, devotion times, or just rainy days to help your kids get to know the Word of God more personally.