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Grimms Märchen für mehr Selbstbewusstsein, Mut & Hilfsbereitschaft: 11 Tugenden zur Persönlichkeitse
Universell gültige Werte wie Respekt, Hilfsbereitschaft oder Gerechtigkeit bilden das Fundament unseres Zusammenlebens. Gerade in der heutigen Zeit, in der wir uns oft mit Ängsten und Unsicherheiten konfrontiert sehen, kann uns das Besinnen auf grundlegende Werte und Tugenden Unterstützung bieten und Orientierung geben. Eine wertebasierte Erziehung unserer Kinder ist deshalb auch für ihre Persönlichkeitsbildung von großer Bedeutung. So schnelllebig die heutige Zeit auch ist, bestimmte Werte und Tugenden sind und bleiben zeitlos. Genauso zeitlos wie die Märchen der Brüder Grimm, die Kinder schon seit hunderten von Jahren faszinieren. Erstmals gibt es nun ein Hörbuch, in dem ausgewählte Grimms Märchen am Beispiel wichtiger Werte und Tugenden für Kinder psychologisch aufbereitet werden. Autorin Mag. Dr. Beate Guldenschuh-Fessler, Diplom Psychologin, Verhaltens- und Lehrtherapeutin legt bei jedem der elf Märchen den Fokus auf eine andere wichtige Tugend, die für die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung von Kindern von grundlegender Bedeutung ist. Jedem gesprochenen Märchentext folgt eine Beschreibung der Tugend oder des Wertes, die die Protagonisten im Märchen verkörpern. Zu den elf Märchen gibt es zudem elf Ausmalbilder, die über das beigefügte PDF downloadbar sind. Die maximal 10 Minuten Vorlesezeit pro Märchen orientieren sich an der oft kurzen Aufmerksamkeitsspanne bei Kindern und ermöglichen, den Fokus auf die jeweilige Tugend zu lenken. Nutzen Sie die faszinierende Welt der Grimms Märchen und vermitteln Sie Ihren Kindern Werte, die im Leben eines jeden Menschen – insbesondere in der heutigen Zeit – von besonderer Bedeutung sind!
Grimm (Author), Rita Luksch (Narrator)
Les plus belles histoires d'horreur pour les enfants
Pas un enfant qui ne soit fasciné par les histoires d'horreur, qui leur permettent d'aborder les émotions intenses en restant dans le contrôle grâce à la métaphore. Cette sélection de contes classiques est conçue pour les aider à s'approprier les problématiques qu'ils ne manqueront pas de rencontrer tout en leur donnant les moyens de les aborder avec joie. Lus par Fabienne Prost, vous y trouverez le meilleur et le plus fascinant des contes de Grimm, Perraut et Andersen : Dame Trude, la sorcière ; Les trois cheveux d'or du diable ; Histoire de celui qui s'en alla apprendre la peur ; La Barbe-Bleue ; Le Crapaud ; Le Diable et sa grand'mère ; Le loup et les sept chevreaux ; Le petit chaperon rouge ; Le petit Poucet ; Le serpent blanc.
Andersen, Grimm, Perrault (Author), Fabienne Prost (Narrator)
10 bedtime stories for little kids
This collection of 10 bedtime stories will help your child drift into a peaceful sleep, by concluding his day with delightful adventures, important teachings and symbolic imagery for enlightening dreams. Classic children's stories and fairy tales are an essential part of any kid's development. Our audiobook collection means to bring together the fairy tales, stories, myths and legends which have fed the children of many generations in the years when the imagination is awakening and craving stimulus and material to work upon. This compilation, specially designed for small children, includes folk tales, classic tales by Charles Perrault and Hans Christian Andersen, and stories from the Arabian Nights, narrated in a warm and soothing way: The Story of Peter Pan, by James Barrie; The Elves and the Shoe Maker; The Princess and the Pea; The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids; Little Red Riding Hood; The Wolf and the Fox; The Frog Prince; The Ridiculous Wishes; and The Little Match Seller.
Andersen, Brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault, Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, Perrault (Author), Katie Haigh (Narrator)
Best english tales and stories
A good story takes us in a new, fantastic world; the pleasure is all the greater if it keeps us inside for long enough. We have carefully selected for you ten long stories, for you to enjoy the craft of the writer as much as the opportunity of evasion good stories bring to us; they will make perfect bedtime stories, to accompany young children as long as they need to get into a peaceful sleep. Enjoy these tales by Charles Perrault, Hans Christian Andersen, and from the Arabian Nights (or One Thousand and One Nights), narrated in a warm and lively way: Beauty and the Beast, Cinderilla, Donkeyskin, The Sleeping Beauty in the Woods, The Story of the Youth who went forth to learn what Fear was, The Nightingale, The Ugly Duckling, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, Sinbad the Sailor, and an ancient Japanese tale, the Jellyfish and the Monkey.
Andersen, Grimm, Perrault (Author), Katie Haigh (Narrator)
20 bedtime stories for little kids
Discover the endless fascination of Japanese culture with seven ancient tales, selected for you for their power of evocation, wisdom and humor. Not unlike the western folk tales compiled by the Brothers Grimm, these stories faithfully preserve the spirit of medieval Japan, while rendered in a translation accessible to all ages. Here is a wonderful collection of short stories: The Battle of the Monkey and the Crab; The Jellyfish and the Monkey; Momotaro, or Little Peachling; Urashimataro and the Turtle; The Tongue-cut Sparrow; The Vision of Tsunu; The Old man and the Devils. These fairy tales and legends of old are a window into the Japanese imagination; this unusual travel through space and time will delight children and adults alike.
Andersen, Grimm, Perrault (Author), Katie Haigh (Narrator)
We have collected for you the best fables and fairy tales ever written. This collection begins with tales from Hans Christian Andersen and Charles Perrault, two absolute masters of the genre, whose stories have been universally read ever since: Beauty and the Beast, Cinderilla, The Fairies, and Hansel and Gretel. As for the fables, Jean de la Fontaine is the most famous French fabulist ever; he was recognized as one of the foremost men of letters of France, and his Fables are still learned by every child as an essential part of moral culture. Rendered in elegant translation, enjoy the most famous fables of La Fontaine, along with lesser-known but most interesting ones. Here is a list of our compilation: The City rat and the Country rat; the Frog that wished to be as big as the ox; the Council held by the Rats; the Raven and the Fox; the Dog and the Cat; the Two mules; the Wolf and the Dog, the Swallow and the little birds; the Cat and the Thrush; the Wolf and the Lamb; the Dragon with many heads; The eagle and the beetle; the Lion and the Rat; the Lion grown old; The little Fish and the Fisher; The Lion going to War; the Sick Lion and the Fox.
Andersen, Grimm, Perrault (Author), Katie Haigh (Narrator)
Best Love stories, in classic fairytales for kids
Victor Hugo is one of the best-known French writers, and one of the greatest literary figures of all time. His poetry made him famous very early, cementing his reputation as one of the greatest lyric poets when he was only 20 years old. We have selected for you 28 of his most well-known and powerful poems, mosty from the immortal Autumn Leaves and Contemplations. They are, in order: Childhood; Death, il Life; Epitaph; Have you nothing to say for yourself; How Butterflies are born; I am content; Inscription for a crucifix; Satire on the Earth; St John; The Dying Child to its Mother; The Poet's Simple Faith; The Vale to you, to me the Heights; Infantile Influence; Sunset; The Patience of the People; The Poet's Love for Liveliness; The Universal Prayer; The Watching Angel; Dictated before the Rhone Glacier; Tribute to the Vanquished. Enjoy the intense rhythm and depth of Hugo's poetry, an essential part of French culture and one of the most beautiful works of poerty ever written.
Andersen, Grimm, Perrault (Author), Katie Haigh (Narrator)
Best multicultural tales and stories from the world
The bar was high after the glorious reign of the Sun King. Louis XV, his successor, had a difficult time driving the country through religious disputes, intellectual shifts and economical hardness. This eventually led to a steep economic decline, which played an important role in the reaction of the French people against the monarchy, and eventually gave way to the French Revolution. This collection of audiobooks will help you understand a crucial part of the history of French monarchy. For each King, you will find a detailed description of the style of his reign and his political achievements, narrated in a lively way.
Andersen, Grimm, Perrault (Author), Katie Haigh (Narrator)
10 most inspiring stories for kids
Classic tales and stories are an fundamental part of children's development, as they awaken imagination and bring essential teachings. These stories inspire children through important archetypes and symbolic imagery; they will bring them into a journey in fantastic worlds, full of possibilities and wonders. This specially designed compilation includes classic folk tales, famous stories by Hans Christian Andersen and fairy tales: The Brave Tin Soldier; The Tale of Peter Rabbit; Tom Thumb; The Story of Peter Pan, by James Barrie; The Nightingale; The Snow Man; Hansel and Gretel; The Three Little Pigs; The Frog Prince; and Blue Beard, by Charles Perrault. Here is an opportunity to offer your children the most inspiring journey imagination can offer.
Andersen, Brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault, Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, Perrault (Author), Katie Haigh (Narrator)
We have collected for you the best folktales ever written, from medieval English stories to the French fairy tales of Charles Perrault and the elegant Danish stories by Hans Christian Andersen. Enjoy these timeless gems, which had been handed down for centuries before being collected in writing, and shared for their wit, inventiveness and educational value. The Three Sillies, Thom Thumb, The Three Little Pigs, The Snow Man, The Fox and the Cat, Teeny Tiny, The Story of Pretty Goldilocks, The Little Shepherd Boy, The Mouse and the Sausage, The Sweet Soup, The Three Brothers, Bluebeard, The Ugly Duckling, The Wolf and the Fox, and the Story of Caliph Stork.
Andersen, Grimm, Perrault (Author), Katie Haigh (Narrator)
The Confessions of Arsène Lupin: ten grippling short stories in which the world's premier thief looks back on a lifetime of adventure and mysteries. He uses his wit and courage to outsmart criminals, pull wool over the eyes of the French police, and solve terrifying mysteries, always keeping just enough time to save a pretty lady and pocket something for himself. Intelligent, witty, funny: there is the real gentleman thief in all his brilliance! The Red Silk Scarf is the fifth story out of ten. The next are: Shadowed by Death, A tragedy in the forest of Morgues, Lupin's marriage, the Invisible Prisoner, and Edith Swan-Neck.
Andersen, Grimm, Perrault (Author), Katie Haigh (Narrator)
Fables and stories play an fundamental part in children's development. They use powerful imagery and symbols to entertain while conveying essential moral teachings; the stories ignite imagination, taking a firm root in children's minds, and gently initiate them to the essential moral principles of life. These moral tales and stories have been carefully selected for their wisdom and power of evocation: tales by Charles Perrault, Hans Christian Andersen, and various folktales for their elegance and morality, and fables by Jean de la Fontaine, the famous French poet, for their straight-to-the-point criticism of errors and the clarity of their teachings. Discover or rediscover, narrated in a warm and lively way, the following stories: The Frog Prince, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Ugly Duckling, Bluebeard, The master Cat or Puss in Boots, Beauty and the Beast, Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Sillies, The Toad, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, and The Ridiculous Wishes; by La Fontaine, The Council held by the Rats, The Frog that wished to be as big as the Ox, The City Rat and the Country Rat, The Raven and the Fox.
Andersen, Grimm, Perrault (Author), Katie Haigh (Narrator)
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