This exciting pioneering story, based on actual events, introduces readers to a fascinating chapter in American history, when FDR set up a New Deal colony in Alaska to give loans and land to families struggling during the Great Depression.
Terpsichore cant wait to follow in Laura Ingalls Wilders footsteps . . . now she just has to convince her mom. Its 1934, and times are tough for their family. To make a fresh start, Terpsichores father signs up for President Roosevelts Palmer Colony project, uprooting them from Wisconsin to become pioneers in Alaska. Their new home is a bit of a shock - its a town still under construction in the middle of the wilderness, where the residents live in tents and share a community outhouse. But Terpsichores not about to let first impressions get in the way of this grand adventure. Tackling its many unique challenges with her can-do attitude, she starts making things happen to make Alaska seem more like home. Soon, she and her family are able to start settling in and enjoying their new surroundings - everyone except her mother, that is. So, in order to stay, Terpsichore hatches a plan to convince her that its a wonderful - and civilized - place to live . . . a plan thats going to take all the love, energy, and Farmer Boy expertise Terpsichore can muster.From the Hardcover edition.