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Sci-Fi Killers - 14 Killer Science Fiction Short Stories by Philip K. Dick, Robert Silverberg, Harry
Fourteen Killer science fiction short stories from some of the best sci-fi authors of the 1940s, 50s and 60s. - Slay-Ride by Winston Marks - Wreck Off Triton by Alfred Coppel - Retribution by George T. Spillman - The Skull by Philip K. Dick - Prison of a Billion Years by C. H. Thames - The Misplaced Battleship by Harry Harrison - Monsters That Once Were Men by Robert Silverberg - Seventh Victim by Robert Sheckley - Birkett's Twelfth Corpse by August Derleth - Hero From Yesterday by Robert Silverberg - The Foxholes of Mars by Fritz Leiber - Watchbird by Robert Sheckley - Cry Silence by Fredric Brown - The Power by Fredric Brown
Alfred Coppel, August Derleth, C. H. Thames, Fredric Brown, Fritz Leiber, George T. Spillman, Harry Harrison, Henry Slesar, Philip K. Dick, Robert Sheckley, Robert Silverberg, Winston Marks (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Aliens and Nothing But Aliens 2
Eighteen Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 50s and 60s - Defense Mech by Ray Bradbury - Planet of Doom by C. H. Thames - Tony and The Beetles by Philip K. Dick - Piper In the Woods by Philip K. Dick - Madmen of Mars by Erik Fennel - The Monster That Threatened The Universe by Russ Winterbotham - Rescue Mission by Robert Silverberg - Alien Equivalent by Richard R. Smith - Day of Wrath by Bjarne Kirchhoff - Invader From Infinity by George Whittington - Human Is by Philip K. Dick - Rabbits Have Long Ears by Lawrence F. Willard - Asteroid of the Damned by Frederik Pohl - The Man Who Liked Lions by John Bernard Daley - The Luckiest Man Alive by William Morrison - And The Gods Laughed by Fredric Brown - A Message From Our Sponsor by Henry Slesar - Distress Signal by Ross Rocklynne
Bjarne Kirchhoff, C. H. Thames, Erik Fennel, Frederik Pohl, Fredric Brown, George Whittington, Henry Slesar, John Bernard Daley, Lawrence F. Willard, Philip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury, Richard R. Smith, Robert Silverberg, Ross Rocklynne, Russ Winterbotham, William Morrison (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Time Travel and Nothing But Time Travel
Time Travel and Nothing But Time Travel - Sixteen Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 50s and 60s - Stop, You're Killing Me! by Darius John Granger - Forsyte's Retreat by Winston Marks - Prominent Author by Philip K. Dick - The Skull by Philip K. Dick - Prison of a Billion Years by C. H. Thames - Meddler by Philip K. Dick - Let The Ants Try by Frederik Pohl - The Beachcomber by Damon Knight - Nice Girl with 5 Husbands by Fritz Leiber - A Traveler in Time by August Derleth - Hall Of Mirrors by Fredric Brown - Exhibit Piece by Philip K. Dick - The Queen of Space by Joseph Slotkin - The Man Who Liked Lions by John Bernard Daley - Z by Charles L. Fontenay - The Turning Wheel by Philip K. Dick
August Derleth, C. H. Thames, Charles L. Fontenay, Damon Knight, Darius John Granger, Frederik Pohl, Fredric Brown, Fritz Leiber, John Bernard Daley, Joseph Slotkin, Philip K. Dick, Winston Marks (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Prison of a Billion Years by C.H. Thames - Adam Slade was a man who had nothing to lose by making a break for it. The trouble was, he knew that no one had ever escaped from the— Adam Slade crushed the guard's skull with a two foot length of iron pipe. No one ever knew where Slade got the iron pipe, but it did not seem so important. The guard was dead. That was important. And Slade was on the loose. With a hostage. That was even more important. The hostage's name was Marcia Lawrence. She was twenty-two years old and pretty and scared half out of her wits. She was, before she became a hostage, a reporter for Interplanetary Video. She had been granted the final pre-execution interview with Adam Slade and she had looked forward to it a long time but it had not worked out as planned. It had not worked out as planned because Slade, only hours from the execution chamber with absolutely nothing to lose, had splattered the guard's brains around the inside of his cell and marched outside with a frightened Marcia Lawrence. Outside. Outside the cell block while other condemned prisoners roared and shouted and banged tin cups on bars and metal walls and judas-hole-grills. Outside the prison compound and across the dome-enclosed city which served the prison. Then outside the dome.
C. H. Thames (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Lost Sci-Fi Books 71 thru 75 - Five Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 50s and 60s The Skull by Philip K. Dick - Conger agreed to kill a stranger he had never seen. But he would make no mistakes because he had the stranger's skull under his arm. Alien Equivalent by Richard R. Smith - Martians were weak, sensitive, a dying race, frail and impotent before the superiority of master Earthmen. Only in the sly and mentally skillful game of Duchal might sons of the red planet emerge gloriously from their shells. The Flight Of The Eagle by Alfred Coppel - It was a new and mysterious plant. It could make its own weather; it was sentient, and it prospered on Venus. But Earth needed it desperately. And Bat Kendo, the radar-mutant, was told to bring it in. Prison Of A Billion Years by C.H. Thames - Adam Slade was a man who had nothing to lose by making a break for it. The trouble was, he knew that no one had ever escaped from the—Prison Of A Billion Years Day Of Wrath by Bjarne Kirchhoff - The men of the Norgan System had a tough decision to make concerning the planet in A93. Yet there was no hesitation. Can you blame them?
Alfred Coppel, Bjarne Kirchhoff, C. H. Thames, Philip K. Dick, Richard R. Smith (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Vintage Sci-Fi 4 - 21 Science Fiction Classics from Ray Bradbury, Philip K. Dick, Robert Silverberg,
Vintage Sci-Fi 4 - 21 Science Fiction Classics from Ray Bradbury, Philip K. Dick, Robert Silverberg, Harlan Ellison and more - Jonah of the Jove-Run by Ray Bradbury - Rescue Mission by Robert Silverberg - Rat Race by George O. Smith - Space-Lane of No-Return by George Whittington - And The Gods Laughed by Fredric Brown - The Skull by Philip K. Dick - Alien Equivalent by Richard R. Smith - Prison of a Billion Years by C. H. Thames - Day of Wrath by Bjarne Kirchhoff - The Golden Man by Philip K. Dick - The Inquisitor by Robert Silverberg - Invader From Infinity by George Whittington - Glow Worm by Harlan Ellison - Rocket Summer by Ray Bradbury - Human Is by Philip K. Dick - Dust Unto Dust by Lyman D. Hinckley - Meddler by Philip K. Dick - The Luckiest Man Alive! by William Morrison - $1,000 a Plate by Jack McKenty - Asteroid of the Damned by Frederik Pohl - Willie's Planet by Mike Ellis
Bjarne Kirchhoff, C. H. Thames, Frederik Pohl, Fredric Brown, George O. Smith, George Whittington, Harlan Ellison, Jack Mckenty, Lyman D. Hinckley, Mike Ellis, Philip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury, Richard R. Smith, Robert Silverberg, William Morrison (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Space Travelers and Nothing But Space Travelers 2
Space Travelers and Nothing But Space Travelers 2 Seventeen Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s Morgue Ship by Ray Bradbury Paradise Planet by Richard S. Shaver Asleep In Armageddon by Ray Bradbury Sales Pitch by Philip K. Dick Defense Mech by Ray Bradbury The Old Martians by Rog Phillips Wreck Off Triton by Alfred Coppel Lazarus Come Forth by Ray Bradbury Planet of Doom by C. H. Thames The Planet Of Illusion by Millard V. Gordon The Last Plunge by S. J. Sackett The Monster Maker by Ray Bradbury Fee Of The Frontier by H. B. Fyfe The Flight Of The Eagle by Alfred Coppel Madmen of Mars by Erik Fennel The Monster That Threatened The Universe by Russ Winterbotham A Little Journey by Ray Bradbury
Alfred Coppel, C. H. Thames, Erik Fennel, H. B. Fyfe, Millard V. Gordon, Philip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury, Richard S. Shaver, Rog Phillips, Russ Winterbotham, S. J. Sackett (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Lost Sci-Fi Books 51 thru 55 - Five Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 50s and 60s Small Town by Philip K. Dick - The theme of 'the man who played God' has been used many ways in many stories, but never with more tense and chilling effect than in this tight little yarn by the very able Mr. Dick. You'll like it, we're sure. Lazarus Come Forth by Ray Bradbury - The Morgue Ship had gleaned information from space that would end the three hundred year war, knowledge that would defeat the aggressor Martians—if Brandon could carry it to Earth. Until Life Do Us Part by Winston Marks - It's a long life, when you're immortal. To retain sanity you've got to be unemotional. To be unemotional, you can't fall in love.... Planet of Doom by C.H. Thames - As a galactic reporter Jane Crowley knew she had hold of the biggest story of the year; thousands of people were soon to die on this—Planet Of Doom The Last Plunge by S.J. Sackett - Granting the need for money, a man will do any dangerous job that comes along; Borgmann was such a man; air lion diving off Uranus—the job!
C. H. Thames, Philip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury, S. J. Sackett, Winston Marks (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Lost Sci-Fi Books 51 thru 60 - Ten Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 50s and 60s Small Town by Philip K. Dick - The theme of 'the man who played God' has been used many ways, never with more tense and chilling effect than by the very able Mr. Dick. Lazarus Come Forth by Ray Bradbury - The Morgue Ship had knowledge that would end the war and defeat the Martians. Until Life Do Us Part by Winston Marks - What's it like to be immortal? To retain sanity you've got to be unemotional and you can't fall in love. Planet of Doom by C.H. Thames - Jane knew she had the biggest story of the year; thousands of people were soon to die on this Planet Of Doom The Last Plunge by S.J. Sackett - A man who needs money will do any job that comes along even air lion diving off Uranus! Prominent Author by Philip K. Dick - Terran Development was ready to market a fourth dimension 'vehicle' which afforded almost instantaneous travel. Henry Ellis commuted 160 miles to work in five steps and a few seconds. Then, one morning, he met some people. The Monster Maker by Ray Bradbury - 'Get Gunther,' the orders read. They were marooned on the pirate's asteroid—their only weapons a gun and a news-reel camera. Fee Of The Frontier by H.B. Fyfe - They had a job to do. If they had to give up money, or love or life itself—that was the Fee of the Frontier Monster by William Morrison - Colonizing Mars was hell, because of one thing—large, hungry critters. They flew, crawled, snarled, howled, burrowed up under the floors. The Planet of Illusion by Millard V. Gordon - A phantom land and a phantom folk, Come sailing out of the deep unknown, With a soundless roar and a lightless flash, To conquer a void for them alone.
C. H. Thames, H. B. Fyfe, Millard V. Gordon, Philip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury, S. J. Sackett, William Morrison, Winston Marks (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Lost Sci-Fi Books 41 thru 60 - Twenty Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s Foster, You're Dead by Philip K. Dick Wreck Off Triton by Alfred Coppel Asleep In Armageddon by Ray Bradbury The Old Martians by Rog Phillips Stop, You're Killing Me! by Darius John Grange Sales Pitch by Philip K. Dick Morgue Ship by Ray Bradbury Defense Mech by Ray Bradbury Paradise Planet by Richard S. Shaver Forsyte's Retreat by Winston Marks Small Town by Philip K. Dick Lazarus Come Forth by Ray Bradbury Until Life Do Us Part by Winston Marks Planet of Doom by C.H. Thames The Last Plunge by S.J. Sackett Prominent Author by Philip K. Dick The Monster Maker by Ray Bradbury Fee Of The Frontier by H.B. Fyfe Monster by William Morrison The Planet of Illusion by Millard V. Gordon
Alfred Coppel, C. H. Thames, Darius John Granger, H. B. Fyfe, Millard V. Gordon, Philip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury, Richard S. Shaver, Rog Phillips, S. J. Sackett, William Morrison, Winston Marks (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Planet Of Doom by C. H. Thames - As a galactic reporter Jane Crowley knew she had hold of the biggest story of the year; thousands of people were soon to die on this — Planet Of Doom Less than an hour after the last spaceship made touchdown on Mandmoora, Jane Crowley stood before a scowling, head shaking public Information Officer. 'My company sent me fifty light years from its nearest base in the Denebian system, Colonel,' Jane said. 'I'm sorry, but it's impossible for me to return to Deneb without my story.' 'This office has issued press releases, my dear Miss Crowley, which—' 'Press releases!' The way Jane uttered those two words made the Colonel wince. 'I didn't come fifty light years for press releases. I came....' She watched the Colonel's face and let her voice trail off. This approach was having absolutely no effect. But Jane Crowley was a woman, young and quite pretty and it was likely, she thought, that where the straightforward, man-to-man approach might fail, the ways of a woman might succeed. 'But Colonel,' she pouted, then let her composed face fall apart as if she were going to cry. 'But Colonel, my job depends on this story. My ... my whole career ... you see ...' she sniffled. 'There now, Miss Crowley,' the Colonel said, looking very uncomfortable. 'There now, miss. Please.' 'Then you'll let me go out there among the Mandmoora?' 'I'm sorry, miss. Out of the question. Definitely out. We've evacuated all the Mandmoora who want to go. What remains is a hard core of Mandmooranian fanatics who refuse to leave their native planet under any circumstances. They've got an island just off shore here, you see.
C. H. Thames (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
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