Cavall and King Arthur embark on a quest to find a legendary grail...
King Arthur's dog, Cavall, and the rest of Camelot thought their troubles were behind them after they defeated the Night Mare. But when Arthur's son, Mordred, falls gravely ill, it seems that something sinister is afoot in Camelot once more.
The only thing that can cure Mordred is an ancient artifact hidden deep within the fay forest-an artifact that's been missing for centuries. King Arthur declares a quest to recover it and will stop at nothing to save his son.
Cavall must lead his person and his friends deep into the enchanted forest in pursuit of the legendary grail. On the perilous journey, Cavall will come face-to-face with ancient mysteries, dangerous magic-and his own fears.
Why has his mercurial brother, Gless, joined the search-and can he be trusted? Is there any truth to the legend of the monstrous wolf that guards the grail? And what is the shadowy creature that seems to be following their every move? Cavall will have to answer all these mysteries and more before he and his person can return safely home.
Mackaman delights in this thrilling follow-up to Cavall in Camelot: A Dog in King Arthur's Court, crafting a quick-paced adventure filled with twists and turns.
In Camelot, King Arthur's dog encounters a world of danger and magic...
Follow Cavall as he embarks on a quest that will put the unbreakable bond between a dog and his person to the ultimate test.
When Cavall and his older brother, Glessic, leave the comfort of their simple barn to join the lavish court of Camelot, Cavall wants nothing more than to prove he's a good dog to the great knights and dogs of the castle-especially to King Arthur.
But Gless says only the best dogs are worthy of greatness, and Cavall has never been as strong, brave, or fast as his brother.
Meanwhile, malevolent forces lurk in Camelot, and Cavall must figure out how to protect his person. To make matters worse, Arthur's mysterious nightmares are threatening to shake his grip on reality and undermine his authority as king.
To fight back against the dangers of the dream world, Cavall will need help from some loyal hounds and the enchanting, sometimes frightening creatures who call themselves the fay.
In this captivating debut from Audrey Mackaman, Cavall will have to prove not only that he can be a good dog for his person, but that he is capable of a greatness all his own.