Generalized Anxiety, the Complete Guide: Innovative Techniques For The Management Of Anxious Symptom
Are you constantly worried, fearful, or do you feel like your heart is always about to jump out of your chest? Perhaps you find yourself avoiding certain situations for fear that they will trigger an anxious response. Or perhaps sleepless nights and constant thoughts have been a constant in your life. While these situations may seem overwhelming, you are not alone and there are solutions within your reach.
Many books on anxiety focus on approaching the problem from a clinical standpoint, focusing on cognitive behavioral therapy and medication as the only solutions. However, this does not address the root of the problem and simply treats the symptoms. For example, you could learn to breathe deeply to calm your anxious thoughts, but what happens when deep breathing no longer works?
Consider this perspective: anxiety is not just a problem of runaway thoughts or brain chemistry, but is a whole-body reaction to an environment and lifestyles that are out of sync with our fundamental needs.
This book offers you a holistic, multidimensional approach to managing anxiety that you won't find elsewhere. Instead of treating anxiety as an enemy to be eliminated, it teaches you how to understand it, embrace it, and transform it.
For example, in Chapter 7, 'Exploring Sensory Yoga for Anxiety Relief' (page 72), you'll learn how to use your body to manage anxiety, connecting with your physical self in a way you've never considered before. In Chapter 16, 'Technology and Anxiety: Applications and Tools for Wellness' (page 143), you will discover how you can use technology, not as a source of anxiety, but as a resource for calm and relaxation.
Imagine waking up feeling rested and revitalized after a good night's sleep. Imagine facing situations that previously caused you fear with a sense of calm and confidence. Imagine having a set of tools at your disposal that you can use at any time to help you manage your emotions.
Antonio Jaimez (Author), Jackson Anderson (Narrator)