Dona Rosa arrives wearing her new pearl necklace. Her friends admire it, and so Dona Rosa decides to go to the jewler and have three necklaces made from the nine pearls.
Spunky and Pepe are spending time together in the jungle. They are hot, so they cool off in the water. They are hungry, so they eat bananas. They both feel lucky to have a best friend.
Bebo Bear and Juan Toucan are walking through NYC, where they spot a construction crane that looks like a giraffe, a pedestrian crossing that looks like a zebra, and Bebo's reflection in a store window. By using their imaginations, they see a girafee, a zebra, and a bear in the crowded city streets.
Bebo Bear and Juan Toucan went to Central Park to play in the snow. They worked together to roll snow balls. They found bubblegum and a pencil to use for facial features. When Juan added snow on the back of their snow animal, Bebo realized he was adding wings, instead of legs. Together they built a snowbird!
Spunky Monkey and Pepe Parrot are playing an 'I Spy' game. Pepe asks questions to narrow the possible animals Spunky sees. Pepe finally figures out that he is the animal that Spunky spies!