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Space Travelers and Nothing But Space Travelers 4
Space Travelers and Nothing But Space Travelers 4 - Seventeen Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1930s, 40s, 50s and 60s - The Star Mouse by Fredric Brown - And Then—The Silence by Ray Bradbury - The Queen of Space by Joseph Slotkin - Unwelcomed Visitor by William Morrison - Duel on Syrtis by Poul Anderson - Task of Kayin by William Morrison - Asteroid of the Damned by Frederik Pohl - $1,000 a Plate by Jack McKenty - Rabbits Have Long Ears by Lawrence F. Willard - Planet of the Angry Giants by Robert Silverberg - Wanderlust by Alan E. Nourse - Zurk by Richard O. Lewis - Christmas on Ganymede by Isaac Asimov - Dust Unto Dust by Lyman D. Hinckley - Time Pussy by Isaac Asimov - Spacemen Die At Home by Edward W. Ludwig - The Repairman by Harry Harrison
Alan E. Nourse, Edward W. Ludwig, Frederik Pohl, Fredric Brown, Harry Harrison, Isaac Asimov, Jack Mckenty, Joseph Slotkin, Lawrence F. Willard, Lyman D. Hinckley, Poul Anderson, Ray Bradbury, Richard O. Lewis, Robert Silverberg, William Morrison (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
50 Vintage Sci-Fi Short Stories
50 Vintage Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. More than 27 hours of vintage science fiction. These science fiction short stories were written by some of the most influential authors of the time including, Philip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury, Winston Marks, Damon Knight, Mack Reynolds, Frank M. Robinson, Russ Winterbotham, Alan E. Nourse, Charles E. Fritch, Milton Lesser, Evan Hunter, William Morrison, John Massie Davis, Irving Cox Jr., Malcolm B. Morehart Jr., Richard O. Lewis, Stanley Mullen, Richard Magruder, Joseph Slotkin, Alexander Blade, Arnold Castle, Richard S. Shaver and James McKimmey Jr. Included are The Hanging Stranger, Beyond Lies the Wub, The Gun, Beyond the Door, The Eyes Have It, Foster You're Dead, Sales Pitch, Small Town and Piper in the Woods written by Philip K. Dick. Lazarus Come Forth, Asleep in Armageddon and Morgue Ship by Ray Bradbury.
Alan E. Nourse, Alexander Blade, Arnold Castle, Charles E. Fritch, Damon Knight, Evan Hunter, Frank M. Robinson, Irving Cox Jr., James Mckimmey Jr., John Massie Davis, Joseph Slotkin, Mack Reynolds, Malcolm B. Morehart Jr., Milton Lesser, Philip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury, Richard Magruder, Richard O. Lewis, Richard S. Shaver, Russ Winterbotham, Stanley Mullen, William Morrison, Winston Marks (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Sci-Fi Space Ships and Nothing But Sci-Fi Space Ships
Sci-Fi Space Ships and Nothing But Sci-Fi Space Ships - Sixteen Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s The Fifty-Fourth Of July by Alan E. Nourse The Voyage of Vanishing Men by Stanley Mullen Three Spacemen Left to Die! by Russ Winterbotham Zurk by Richard O. Lewis Danger in the Void by Charles E. Fritch Wanderlust by Alan E. Nourse Slay-Ride by Winston Marks Journey For the Brave by Alan E. Nourse WANTED: One Sane Man by Frank M. Robinson The Pioneer by Irving Cox Jr. Asleep in Armageddon by Ray Bradbury Morgue Ship by Ray Bradbury Sales Pitch by Philip K. Dick Defense Mech by Ray Bradbury Paradise Planet by Richard S. Shaver Wreck Off Titan by Alfred Coppel
Alan E. Nourse, Alfred Coppel, Charles E. Fritch, Frank M. Robinson, Irving Cox Jr., Philip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury, Richard O. Lewis, Richard S. Shaver, Russ Winterbotham, Stanley Mullen, Winston Marks (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Vintage Sci-Fi 2 - 26 Science Fiction Classics from Ray Bradbury, Philip K. Dick, Alan E. Nourse and
Vintage Sci-Fi 2 - 26 Science Fiction Classics from the 1940s, 50s and 60s. More than 12 hours of Vintage Sci-Fi Defense Mech by Rad Bradbury Foster You're Dead by Philip K. Dick Export Commodity by Irving Cox Jr. Pariah by Milton Lesser Beyond The Door by Philip K. Dick The Water Eater by Winston Marks Task of Kayin by William Morrison Wanderlust by Alan E. Nourse The Alien Dies at Dawn by Alexander Blade Leave Earthmen or Die! by John Massie Davis Unwelcomed Visitor by William Morrison Danger In The Void by Charles E. Fritch A Zloor For Your Trouble by Mack Reynolds Three Spacemen Left to Die! by Russ Winterbotham The Fugitives by Malcolm B. Morehart Jr. The Mind Digger by Winston Marks Planet of Dreams by James McKimmey Jr. Never Gut-Shoot a Wampus by Winston Marks The Addicts by William Morrison A Matter of Ethics R .R. Winterbotham Shipping Clerk by William Morrison Breeder Reaction by Winston Marks The Invisible Enemy by Arnold Castle The Beachcomber by Damon Knight The Old Martians by Rog Phillips Paradise Planet by Richard S. Shaver
Alan E. Nourse, Alexander Blade, Arnold Castle, Charles E. Fritch, Damon Knight, Irving Cox Jr., James Mckimmey Jr., John Massie Davis, Mack Reynolds, Malcolm B. Morehart Jr., Milton Lesser, Philip K. Dick, R .R. Winterbotham, Ray Bradbury, Richard S. Shaver, Rog Phillips, Russ Winterbotham, William Morrison, Winston Marks (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Lost Sci-Fi Books 21 thru 40Twenty Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960sThe Gun by Philip K. Dick So They Baked a Cake by Winston Marks The Alien Dies at Dawn by Alexander Blade Unwelcomed Visitor by William Morrison Task of Kayin by William Morrison Beyond the Door by Philip K. Dick Shipping Clerk by William Morrison Spoken For by William Morrison Pariah by Milton Lesser The Plagiarist from Rigel IV by Evan Hunter Beyond Lies the Wub by Philip K. Dick Journey For The Brave by Alan E. Nourse Wanderlust by Alan E. Nourse Export Commodity by Irving Cox Jr. Zurk by Richard O. Lewis The Eyes Have It by Philip K. Dick Wanted: One Sane Man by Frank M. Robinson The Pioneer by Irving Cox Jr. The Invisible Enemy by Arnold Castle The Beachcomber by Damon Knight
Alan E. Nourse, Alexander Blade, Arnold Castle, Damon Knight, Evan Hunter, Frank M. Robinson, Irving Cox Jr., Milton Lesser, Philip K. Dick, Richard O. Lewis, William Morrison, Winston Marks (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Space Travelers and Nothing But Space Travelers
Space Travelers and Nothing But Space TravelersTwenty Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960sThe Gun by Philip K. Dick So They Baked A Cake by Winston Marks Death Star by James McKimmey Jr. Leave Earthmen or Die! by John Massie Davis Planet of Dreams by James McKimmey Jr. Never Gut-Shoot A Wampus by Winston Marks Three Spacemen Left to Die! by Russ Winterbotham The Voyage Of Vanishing Men by Stanley Mullen Danger in the Void written by Charles E. Fritch Slay-Ride written by Winston Marks A Zloor For Your Trouble by Mack Reynolds The Alien Dies at Dawn by Alexander Blade Spoken For by William Morrison Pariah by Milton Lesser Beyond Lies The Wub by Philip K. Dick Journey for the Brave by Alan E. Nourse Export Commodity by Irving Cox Jr. WANTED: One Sane Man by Frank M. Robinson The Pioneer by Irving Cox Jr. The Beachcomber by Damon Knight
Alan E. Nourse, Alexander Blade, Charles E. Fritch, Damon Knight, Frank M. Robinson, Irving Cox Jr., James Mckimmey Jr., John Massie Davis, Mack Reynolds, Milton Lesser, Philip K. Dick, Russ Winterbotham, Stanley Mullen, William Morrison, Winston Marks (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Lost Sci-Fi Books 31 thru 40 - Ten Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 50s and 60sBeyond Lies The Wub by Philip K. Dick - The slovenly wub might well have said: Many men talk like philosophers and live like fools. Journey for the Brave by Alan E. Nourse - Courage will be a big qualification for the pilot who flies the first moon rocket. Who decides if a man is brave or a coward? Wanderlust by Alan E. Nourse - Tad looked to the spaceways for adventure. His father knew disaster would end his Wanderlust Export Commodity by Irving Cox Jr. - He was sent to obtain a soil sample. It was a routine assignment, but not the only method for discovering an Export Commodity Zurk by Richard O. Lewis - Marene was next when the space cruiser called for its youth-levy. If only Zurk would spark to life. The Eyes Have It by Philip K. Dick - Theoretically, you could find this type of humor anywhere. But only a topflight science-fictionist could have written this story. WANTED: One Sane Man by Frank M. Robinson - They bragged they could supply a man for any job. Maxwell doubted this, needing a space pilot for the first Lunar trip. Now, if he had just asked for a lunatic... The Pioneer by Irving Cox Jr - Greg was sure the kids had no right being in control of a planet; after all what had they learned about life? The Invisible Enemy by Arnold Castle - At fifteen he was sent to war to fight an enemy he couldn't understand. The Beachcomber by Damon Knight - Alice saw the Beachcomber as a glorious hunk of man; Maxwell saw him as a super being from the future. He was both!
Alan E. Nourse, Arnold Castle, Damon Knight, Frank M. Robinson, Irving Cox Jr., Philip K. Dick, Richard O. Lewis (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Wanderlust by Alan E. Nourse - Tad, like other young men, looked to the spaceways for adventure. But George Barlow, like other fathers, knew that disaster would end his Wanderlust Somehow George Barlow had sensed that something was wrong the moment his son drove into the barnyard that evening. He had been waiting impatiently for Tad's return all afternoon; the men needed those tractor bolts before they could do the mowing. But George had felt the uneasiness, quite suddenly, deep in his chest when he heard the boy's three-wheeler chugging up the rutted country road from town. He sat quietly, waiting, stroking old Snuffy behind the ears. He heard the little motor-car pop into silence as Tad drove it into the garage; then there was a long silence. George waited several minutes before running a hand through his tawny hair. 'What's that boy doing out there, anyway?' he growled. Florence Barlow glanced up through the kitchen window. 'He's gone up on the ridge,' she said. 'He's just standing up there, looking down the valley.' She turned back to the stove, pushing back an unruly whisp of graying hair. George sat back in his chair, puffing his pipe, the uneasiness growing. Tad was usually back from town hours earlier. The oats had to be cut this week—the shipment of Venusian taaro was due from the next Rocket, and they had to have a field free for it. But still, he knew it was more than the tractor bolts that bothered him. Then suddenly the door burst open and Tad was there, filling the room with his broad shoulders, whistling tunelessly to himself. A cool east breeze followed him in the door, and with it an aura of excitement. Tad's sunbaked hair was wild from the ride through the wind, his sharp eyes sparkling: 'Dad! The Rocket landed this afternoon. Out at Dillon's Landing. It's three weeks early this time!'
Alan E. Nourse (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Journey for the Brave by Alan E. Nourse - Courage will be a big qualification for the pilot who flies the first moon rocket. But who decides if a man is brave—or a coward?... The base diner was hot and stuffy that night as Scotty Johnson sat with Mitch and Jack and the other boys, sipping his last cup of coffee before Zero Hour rolled around. Mitch and Jack had succeeded in sneaking him out of town before the reporters had guessed what was happening. Now they sat in silence, sipping their coffee, glancing at him from time to time as though to make sure he were still there. It annoyed Scotty. This was the time to laugh, and joke, and bull away as if nothing was going to happen at all. The waitress trotted over with a coffee pot, and Scotty gave her his widest leer. 'You know, I can't think of anything I'd rather have right now than a cup of coffee from you,' he said. 'How about a date in about ten days?' The girl looked startled, and glanced away nervously. Mitch gave a tight little laugh. 'Better watch out. Scotty. She's liable to be waiting on the landing field when you get back—' They all laughed at that, and then silence fell again. They were nervous. Scotty could sense it, even though they tried to cover it up. All through these weeks of preparation in the hot New Mexico sun, the tension had been growing. But he should be the one to be nervous, not these lads. After all, who was the star of this show? Scotty nuzzled his coffee, and twisted his wiry five-foot-two inch frame around so that he could see the door. 'Better drink up,' he said. 'The jeep should be here any minute.' Mitch nodded and emptied his cup as the jeep's tires screeched on the pavement outside. The door of the coffeeshop burst open, and a head with an MP's crash helmet popped in. 'All set, Scotty? Let's go!'
Alan E. Nourse (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Lost Sci-Fi Books 31 thru 35 - Five Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 50s and 60s Beyond Lies The Wub by Philip K. Dick - The slovenly wub might well have said: Many men talk like philosophers and live like fools. Journey for the Brave by Alan E. Nourse - Courage will be a big qualification for the pilot who flies the first moon rocket. But who decides if a man is brave—or a coward?... Wanderlust by Alan E. Nourse - Tad, like other young men, looked to the spaceways for adventure. But George Barlow, like other fathers, knew that disaster would end his Wanderlust Export Commodity by Irving Cox Jr. - Henig was sent to obtain a soil sample of the planet. It was a routine assignment, but not necessarily the only method for discovering an—Export Commodity Zurk by Richard O. Lewis - Gentle Marene was next when the black space cruiser called for its youth-levy. If only Zurk would spark to life—Zurk, this huge, part-human war-machine of tubular steel muscles and blank, mechanical mind.
Alan E. Nourse, Irving Cox Jr., Philip K. Dick, Richard O. Lewis (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
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