This is a story for anyone who has ever felt different - and perhaps been bullied because of it?
It is a folk tale for children, set in a wildwood once upon a time, in a place not so far from you.
Meet schoolboy Hunch - so named because life gave him an unfortunate twist. He is the village hunchback.
Hunch lives in a small village surrounded by a tall forest. All the grown-ups always tell the children, 'Don't go in the woods!'
When the children ask why, the adults always say, 'Because strange creatures called Things live in there! We don't know what they look like, but we do know that anyone who enters that forest, never comes back!'
Would YOU enter the forest if you'd been told that?
Nobody ever dares go into the woods, because of the strange Things that live there.
Then one full moon after being bullied, Hunch runs into the forest. He can't help himself. He's not thinking - he's just got one voice in his head. It is saying, 'Oh! Why was I born me?'
But changes happen in the forest no one could have anticipated, most of all Hunch himself. For this is a magical forest, where goodness receives its own reward. ENTER IF YOU DARE! (Make sure you are holding your adults' hand, to keep them safe)