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Eliot und Isabella und das Geheimnis des Leuchtturms (Szenische Lesung)
Au Backe! Eliot ist stinksauer, weil er seine Ferien auf der Ratteninsel Ratzekoog verbringen soll. Doch wie es der Zufall will, ist auch Isabella in Onkel Knuts Hütte einquartiert. Zum Lesen kommt Eliot aber nicht die Bohne, denn schon bald rücken den beiden Rattenkindern Bocky Bockwurst und seine Bande auf die Pelle. Beinahe ertrinkt Eliot sogar, doch da eilen ihm Pinguin Rakete und Fiete Flunder zu Hilfe.
Ingo Siegner (Author), Stefan Kaminski (Narrator)
Imagine a force that can toss boats around like toys, wash away bridges, and create waves as high as eighteen feet. With fierce winds and torrential rains, hurricanes can do all of these things. They can cause tremendous damage and even change the shape of a shoreline. For centuries people did not know when a hurricane was coming. But now we have new methods to predict when and where these storms will occur. Young viewers will learn how hurricanes are formed, how they are named and classified, and what to do if a dangerous storm is on the way.
Gail Gibbons (Author), Chris Lutkin (Narrator)
Born blind and hairless, baby squirrels must rely on momma in their first stage of life. Give them 7-10 weeks, and these babies will be able to venture on their own. Climb along in this beginner book for young readers.
Megan Borgert-Spaniol (Author), Dana Fleming (Narrator)
The cat walked through the world, with its whiskers, ears, and paws . . . In this glorious celebration of observation, curiosity, and imagination, Brendan Wenzel shows us the many lives of one cat, and how perspective shapes what we see. When you see a cat, what do you see?
Brendan Wenzel (Author), T. Ryder Smith (Narrator)
Baby Camels: Blastoff! Readers: Level 1
Three feet tall at birth, baby camels are nearly all legs! Learning to walk is a day’s hard work for a camel calf. With silly smiles and curly wool coats, these babies are an adorable venture in learning for young and early readers.
Megan Borgert-Spaniol (Author), Dana Fleming (Narrator)
George and the Unbreakable Code
George and his best friend Annie haven't had any space adventures for a while and they're missing the excitement. But not for long . . . Seriously strange things start happening. Banks are handing out free money; supermarkets can't charge for their produce so people are getting free food; and aircraft are refusing to fly. It looks like the world's biggest and best computers have all been hacked. George and Annie will travel further into space than ever before in order to find out who is behind it.
Lucy Hawking, Stephen Hawking (Author), Roy McMillan, Sophie Aldred (Narrator)
Abenteuer! Maja Nielsen erzählt. Vulkane: Feuer und Asche über Pompeji
Im Jahr 79 n. Chr. erlebt Pompeji ein Inferno: Die Erde spuckt Feuer. Steine und Asche regnen vom Himmel. Beim Ausbruch des Vesuv wird die Stadt vom Erdboden verschluckt. Der römische Naturforscher Plinius begibt sich mitten hinein in die Katastrophe und wird zu einem der ersten Vulkanforscher der Welt. Auch heute wagen sich Vulkanologen bis an den Rand der Krater oder sogar mitten hinein. Maja Nielsen erzählt die fesselnde Geschichte Pompejis und begibt sich auf die Spuren der mutigsten Forscher von damals bis heute. Gemeinsam mit den jungen Wissenschaftlern Maddalena de Lucia und Daniel Wiedenmann nimmt sie Klein und Groß mit auf eine faszinierende Entdeckungsreise bis ins Innere der jahrtausendealten Feuerberge. Das gleichnamige Buch ist im Gerstenberg Verlag erschienen.
Maja Nielsen (Author), Maja Nielsen (Narrator)
Tornadoes are funnel-shaped clouds that can cause massive destruction on the ground. Their winds can swirl faster than 260 miles per hour! In addition to factual information, youngsters will learn about how such extreme weather affects the lives of people in areas where these atmospheric storms are common. Using her acclaimed combination of clear wording and detailed illustrations, Gibbons explains how tornadoes form, the scale used for classifying them, and what to do in case one should be near you.
Gail Gibbons (Author), Chris Lutkin (Narrator)
This old English story, collected by James Halliwell Orchard Phillips, is a good fireside yarn. If you know the story of the Golden Goose, you might see some similarities. It has a nice repeating structure, and by the end of it, you will probably agree with Jack’s mother, that he’s not the cleverest of lads.
James Halliwell, Orchard Phillips (Author), Natasha-Lee Lewis (Narrator)
Baby Kangaroos: Blastoff! Readers: Level 1
When joeys are born, they are only the size of a grape! They grow comfortably in mom’s pouch until it’s time to peek out at the world. As part of a mob, joeys learn to play, hop, and protect one another. Leap into this fun book for early readers!
Megan Borgert-Spaniol (Author), Dana Fleming (Narrator)
Baby Turtles: Blastoff! Readers: Level 1
Turtle hatchlings enter the world with sometimes more than 100 brothers and sisters. But after birth, the babies live independently! Their instincts lead them to hunt for worms, swim through water, and bask happily in the sun for warmth. Take a dive into the cute reptilian life of baby turtles in this title for young learners!
Megan Borgert-Spaniol (Author), Dana Fleming (Narrator)
Serafina and the Twisted Staff
Serafina's defeat of the Man in the Black Cloak has brought her out of the shadows and into the daylight realm of her home, Biltmore Estate. Every night she visits her mother in the forest, eager to learn the ways of the catamount. But Serafina finds herself caught between her two worlds: she's too wild for Biltmore's beautifully dressed ladies and formal customs, and too human to fully join her kin.Late one night, Serafina encounters a strange and terrifying figure in the forest, and is attacked by the vicious wolfhounds that seem to be under his control. Even worse, she's convinced that the stranger was not alone, that he has sent his accomplice into Biltmore in disguise.Someone is wreaking havoc at the estate. A mysterious series of attacks test Serafina's role as Biltmore's protector, culminating in a tragedy that tears Serafina's best friend and only ally, Braeden Vanderbilt, from her side. Heartbroken, she flees.Deep in the forest, Serafina comes face-to-face with the evil infecting Biltmore--and discovers its reach is far greater than she'd ever imagined. All the humans and creatures of the Blue Ridge Mountains are in terrible danger. For Serafina to defeat this new evil before it engulfs her beloved home, she must search deep inside herself and embrace the destiny that has always awaited her. From the Compact Disc edition.
Robert Beatty (Author), Cassandra Campbell (Narrator)
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