What bird can dive at speeds of over 200 miles per hour? What birds munch on leftovers from other animals’ meals? What birds build their nests underground? Explore this exciting book for answers to questions you’ll be glad we asked—plus “Did You Know?” fun facts.
In a cozy den in a bamboo forest, there lives a tiny baby bear. The little baby cannot see or walk. She stays warm by snuggling up to her mom’s big, furry body. Explore the world of a baby giant panda!
What enemy is able to swallow small crocodilians whole? What sounds do crocodilians use to “talk” to one another? Do crocodiles really smile? Explore this exciting book for answers to questions you’ll be glad we asked—plus “Did You Know?” fun facts.
It's 2-books-in-1! Start with a sweet factual fiction story about a sea otter named Owen who learns to body surf, with a special otter twist. Then, listen for a nonfiction exploration of real-life otters, including infographics, and fun facts!
In the leafy trees of a tropical forest, there lives a tiny baby reptile. She scampers along branches and is hard to spot among the bright green leaves. Explore the world of a baby iguana!
Which dino could eat leaves on trees as high as a four-story building? What animals are the only known dinosaurs living today? Explore this exciting book for answers to questions you’ll be glad we asked—plus “Did You Know?” fun facts.
In a park full of squirrels, it's hard being a mouse. Why do squirrels get stuffed with nuts, but no one gives any to Tullio? The little mouse is sure that it's all because of the tail—and he'll go to great lengths to prove he's right! Children will love this sweet and silly story about self-acceptance and finding friends who appreciate you just as you are.
Have you ever wondered which predators swallow their prey whole? Or which ones eat their victims while they’re still alive? Explore this exciting book for answers to questions you’ll be glad we asked—plus “Did You Know?” fun facts.
On a hot, dry grassland, a little chick has just hatched from his egg. The baby bird is a little wobbly, but he’s soon following his huge mom and dad as they search for food. Explore the world of a baby ostrich!
High in the trees of a rainforest, there lives a baby animal. She holds on tight to her mom as they swing through the treetops. She has tiny fingers and fuzzy orange hair. Explore the world of a baby orangutan!
Ever wondered how sharks are different from other fish, and what makes them such fearsome hunters? Or how a feeding frenzy works? Explore this exciting book for answers to questions you’ll be glad we asked—plus dozens of amazing facts.
Ever wondered how snakes can swallow and digest an entire animal whole, bones and all? Or which snakes squeeze the life out of their victims? Explore this exciting book for answers to questions you’ll be glad we asked—plus dozens of amazing facts.