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È LA NONNA CHE PARLA: Lo Squalo e I Pappagalli
«Questo audio libro è nato dalla lontananza e dalla nostalgia di una nonna verso i suoi due nipoti. Mia figlia Carlotta e suo marito Alex sono partiti con i loro due bimbi Oliver e Emily per lavorare restando in giro per il mondo due anni e mezzo. In quanto nonna desideravo che i miei due piccoli nipoti non mi dimenticassero. E per questo ho iniziato ad incidere e ad inviargli ogni settimana una favola, cosa che continua regolarmente. Siccome di mestiere sono una scrittrice giornalista di viaggio e sono abituata a scrivere di quanto vedo dal vivo narrando i fatti e i luoghi che incontro, mi è venuto spontaneo fare favole tratte dalla realtà e non dalla fantasia. Il successo che questo ha riscosso dai miei due nipoti mi ha fatto pensare di poterne fare un progetto editoriale adatto a tutti i bimbi del mondo (ho intenzione di pubblicare in inglese e in spagnolo) e sono fiduciosa che i genitori abbiano piacere non solo di regalare ai propri figli delle storie attinenti alla realtà, ma di collegare la figura dei nonni ad un ruolo di sapere e di esperienza». La Nonna Savina Sciacqua
Savina Sciacqua (Author), Savina Sciacqua (Narrator)
How to live on 5 cents a day ? How to survive financial ruin without losing your house ? How to keep to a bare bones budget and still have money left over to buy books ? Tough questions! They were tough questions when Sarah Elizabeth Harper Monmouth penned her quirky memoir. She lived on a run-down small farm in New Hampshire, when her investments imploded. She awoke one morning to find herself poor--an old roof above her, “dearer than life,” but “not a dollar of money left.” For months she was “paralyzed with cold, clammy terror . . . stunned and knew not what to do.” Then her “mind stepped to the front with a bold standard displayed.” She said to herself “Understand, once for all, that I rule and make your plans accordingly.” Lizzie Monmouth’s tale will make you stop and count your blessings... How Lizzie Monmouth surmounted her poverty is an equally fascinating tale.
Sarah Elizabeth (Author), Isabella Dece (Narrator)
King & Kayla and the Case of the Unhappy Neighbor
A lovable dog helps his human girl solve a mystery. Thor has been accused of wrecking Mr. Garys yard?knocking over trash cans, eating the vegetables out of the garden, and pooping. But King and Kayla, with the help of some other neighbors, are determined to clear his name, using a wide variety of familiar and new detecting skills. With simple, straightforward language and great verbal and visual humor, the King & Kayla series from Geisel Honor Award-winning team Dori Hillestad Butler and Nancy Meyers is perfect for newly independent readers.
Dori Hillestad Butler (Author), Kevin R. Free (Narrator)
Snack, Snooze, Skedaddle: How Animals Get Ready for Winter
There is more than one way for animals to prepare for winter. Some, such as mice, foxes, and moose, simply tolerate the cold. Of course, black bears hibernate, but chipmunks, wood frogs, and garter snakes do too. And then there are the creatures that migrate, including hummingbirds, blue whales, and even earthworms!
Laura Purdie Salas (Author), Peter Noble, Stephanie Einstein (Narrator)
Join Charlie and Mouse as they: take a long drive, have a quick hike, defeat a big lion, hide in a small tent, and conquer the great outdoors. Charlie and Mouse are going camping! And there are so many adventures to be had along the waytelling stories, fighting monsters, crashing their tentas well as the joy of sharing it all with each other.
Laurel Snyder (Author), Christopher Carley (Narrator)
Mr Tanglewood and the Pungapeople: A Barry Crump Classic
Mr Tanglewood and the Pungapeople - Read Along VersionPlease note book is not included. To purchase the illustrated book go to The mischievous Pungapeople are back! Mr Tanglewood the carpenter wants to build a house for himself on Punga Ridge but the local Pungapeople have other ideas. They create so much havoc that house-building becomes almost impossible. But poor Mr Tanglewood doesn't give up - he has a plan! Barry Crump's stories and Donovan Bixley's vivid, witty illustrations combine once again to make a magical book which will delight both children and adults. Book Illustrated by Donovan Bixley
Barry Crump (Author), Martin Crump (Narrator)
Die Playmos, Episode 5: Die Würfel sind gefallen (Das Original Playmobil Hörspiel)
Inhalt: Paul muss sich von einer Playmobil-Welt verabschieden, denn sein Kinderzimmer platzt aus allen Nähten. Die Würfel sollen entscheiden. Von dem Set mit der geringsten Augenzahl wird er sich trennen. Bevor er die Würfel aufdecken kann, wird er jedoch aus dem Zimmer gerufen. Die Playmos erwachen zum Leben und sehen nur eine Chance, alle Welten zu retten: sie müssen jeden einzelnen Würfel finden und auf die Sechs drehen ...In Episode 5 landen die Playmos beim großen Zauberwettbewerb der Feen. Fee Wonnawella ist traurig, dass sie nie gewinnt und zaubert aus Versehen einen Würfel lebendig ...
David Bredel, Florian Fickel (Author), Gerrit Schmidt-Foß, Giuliana Jakobeit, Nicolas Artajo, Ricardo Richter, Santiago Ziesmer (Narrator)
Die Playmos, Episode 6: Die Würfel sind gefallen (Das Original Playmobil Hörspiel)
Inhalt: Paul muss sich von einer Playmobil-Welt verabschieden, denn sein Kinderzimmer platzt aus allen Nähten. Die Würfel sollen entscheiden. Von dem Set mit der geringsten Augenzahl wird er sich trennen. Bevor er die Würfel aufdecken kann, wird er jedoch aus dem Zimmer gerufen. Die Playmos erwachen zum Leben und sehen nur eine Chance, alle Welten zu retten: sie müssen jeden einzelnen Würfel finden und auf die Sechs drehen ...In Episode 6 landen Emil, Liv und Sam bei den Dinos. Kleine Dinosaurier wollen die Eier einer Dinosaurier-Mutter stehlen, darunter auch ein sehr eckiges ...
David Bredel, Florian Fickel (Author), Gerrit Schmidt-Foß, Giuliana Jakobeit, Nicolas Artajo, Ricardo Richter, Santiago Ziesmer (Narrator)
Die Playmos, Episode 7: Die Würfel sind gefallen (Das Original Playmobil Hörspiel)
Inhalt: Paul muss sich von einer Playmobil-Welt verabschieden, denn sein Kinderzimmer platzt aus allen Nähten. Die Würfel sollen entscheiden. Von dem Set mit der geringsten Augenzahl wird er sich trennen. Bevor er die Würfel aufdecken kann, wird er jedoch aus dem Zimmer gerufen. Die Playmos erwachen zum Leben und sehen nur eine Chance, alle Welten zu retten: sie müssen jeden einzelnen Würfel finden und auf die Sechs drehen ...In Episode 7 landen Emil, Liv und Sam in der Arena bei den Römern. Kaiser Quadratus eröffnet die Spiele und die Playmos müssen sich als Gladiatoren beweisen, um an den Würfel zu kommen ...
David Bredel, Florian Fickel (Author), Gerrit Schmidt-Foß, Giuliana Jakobeit, Nicolas Artajo, Ricardo Richter, Santiago Ziesmer (Narrator)
Carla Chamäleon: Oh Schreck, ich bin weg! - Chamäleon Girl, Band 1 (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Unsichtbar wider Willen Carla hat ein anstrengendes Leben: Ihr Vater ist dauerjugendlich, die Schwester pubertiert und ihre Mutter versucht, den Tieren in ihrem Zoo durch Herumlaufen in Tierkostümen zu vermitteln, dass sie sich ganz wohl und sicher in ihrer Gegenwart fühlen können. Außerdem ist auch noch ihre beste und einzige Freundin Herta weggezogen, Herta, neben deren sprudelnder Persönlichkeit sie sich immer so schön unsichtbar machen konnte. Der Start in das neue Schuljahr läuft daher gar nicht gut, wie auch? Als ein neuer Junge in ihre Klasse kommt und sich einfach neben sie setzt, bemerkt Carla plötzlich, dass ihre Hände unsichtbar werden, beziehungsweise sich wie bei einem Chamäleon dem Hintergrund anpassen! Was ist hier los? Sie wollte zwar wieder unsichtbar werden - aber doch nicht so!
Franziska Gehm (Author), Cathlen Gawlich (Narrator)
A touching tale of a grandmother and her granddaughter exploring and cherishing the natural world. Words, the woods, and the world illuminate this quest to save the most important pieces of our language—by saving the very things they stand for. When Mimi finds out her favorite words—simple words, like apricot, blackberry, buttercup—are disappearing from the English language, she elects her granddaughter Brook as their Keeper. And did you know? The only way to save words is to know them. • With its focus on the power of language and social change, The Keeper of Wild Words is ideal for educators and librarians as well as young readers. • For any child who longs to get outside and learn more about nature and the environment • A loving portrait of the special relationship that grandparents have with their grandchildren For children who love such books as Outside Your Window: A First Book of Nature, And Then It's Spring, and Finding Wild. Brooke Smith is a poet and children's book author. She lives in Bend, Oregon, at the end of a long cinder lane. Brooke writes daily from her studio, looking at the meadow and many of the wild words she cherishes. Madeline Kloepper is a Canadian artist with a Bachelor of Fine Arts and Major in Illustration from Emily Carr University of Art and Design. Her work is influenced by childhood, nostalgia, and the relationships we forge with nature. She lives in Prince George, British Columbia.
Brooke Smith (Author), Xe Sands (Narrator)
En una clase de yoga se entrecruzan las vidas de cuatro maravillosos niños: Ana, Noah, Fatma y Erik. A través de las asanas nos irán revelando su historia y darán rienda suelta a sus sentimientos más profundos. Un arcoíris de color y diversidad se mostrará ante ellos para enseñarles que hay infinitas y muy diversas Maneras de vivir.
B. Winter (Author), Nuria Mediavilla (Narrator)
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