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El protagonista de la historia en la búsqueda de llenar su vacío, en el deseo de conseguir una luz en su corazón, se lanza a una aventura llena de difíciles retos. ¿Atrapará la luna? ¿Llegará hasta el sol? ¿O quizás una simple bombilla será la que consiga alumbrar su vida? La autora, de la mano de su hijo que pasea por las ilustraciones, muestra que el viaje fundamental surge del interior y queda a veces escondido dentro de cada uno, esperando a ser descubierto. Todos encontraréis la luz en este cuento, aquello importante que surge del corazón de todos y nos hace enfrentarnos a la vida con una sonrisa.
Rosana Villagrasa Andrés (Author), Mercè Montalà (Narrator)
El Kybalion: Los Tres Iniciados
El Kybalion es un documento de 1908 que resume las enseñanzas del hermetismo, también conocidos como los siete principios del hermetismo. Su autoría se atribuye a un grupo anónimo de personas autodenominados Los Tres Iniciados, es el libro que contiene las claves maestras o leyes universales basadas en las enseñanzas del misterioso maestro Hermes Trismegisto. Su impacto es tan transcendental que hasta las doctrinas más antiguas de la India en fueron influenciadas por estos principios herméticos o leyes de Hermes. La filosofía hermética fue resguardada por los estudiantes de Hermes desde la antigua Mesopotamia; quienes se vieron forzados a ocultar las enseñanzas de los principios universales sobre alquimia a causa de las persecuciones durante la edad media.El Kybalion fue escrito por Los Tres Iniciados y contiene los pilares básicos de la Alquimia Hermética; cuyo significado real es de la transmutación de las fuerzas mentales; es decir; ser capaz de realizar cambios a niveles de vibración mental. Estas enseñanzas que sentaron las bases fundamentales del conocimiento esotérico y fueron formuladas por Hermes; quien más tarde fue proclamado y reconocido como el Maestro de Maestros. Trismegisto significa tres veces grande y sus fieles seguidores lo adoraron como el origen de la sabiduría.
Los Tres Iniciados (Author), Armando Hernandez (Narrator)
Welch ein Strahlen, welch ein Leuchten! 24 Lieder, Gedichte und Geschichten zur Weihnachtzeit
24 beliebte und neue Lieder, Gedichte und Geschichten für Klein und Groß erzählen von den Heiligen Drei Königen, Tannenbäumen und der Geburt Jesu, aber auch vom gemütlichen Fest zu Hause. Fröhliche Kinderstimmen und beliebte Klassiker steigern die Vorfreude auf den Heiligen Abend. So klingt die Adventszeit mal lustig und verspielt, mal ruhig und besinnlich. Aus dem Inhalt: 9 Lieder, z. B.: • Frieden auf Erden allen Menschen • Fröhliche Weihnacht überall • Zehn kleine Tannenbäume • Hört das Lied der Sternensänger • Alle Jahre wieder • Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht 8 Geschichten, z. B.: • Die Sterntaler • Der Tannenbaum • Das Weihnachtsspätzchen 7 Gedichte, z. B.: • Die heil'gen drei Könige • Nussknacker • Weihnachten bei den Großeltern Empfohlen ab 4 Jahren
Bettina Göschl, Matthias Meyer-Göllner (Author), Julia Nachtmann, Karl Menrad, Rolf Nagel (Narrator)
Brought to you by Puffin. OH LISTEN! There's something in your audiobook... A gang of curious creatures have got into your audiobook and we need your help! This collection brings together six of Tom Fletcher's bestselling Who's in Your Book? Stories. Can you help set free Monster, Dragon, Alien, Elf, Witch and Superhero? Packed with exciting sound effects and interactive fun, this audio adventure will spark little listeners' imaginations. Narrated by the author TOM FLETCHER. © Tom Fletcher 2021 (P) Penguin Audio 2021
Tom Fletcher (Author), Tom Fletcher (Narrator)
Being You: A First Conversation About Gender
Based on the research that race, gender, consent, and body positivity should be discussed with toddlers on up, this read-aloud board book series, adapted for audio, offers adults the opportunity to begin important conversations with young children in an informed, safe, and supported way. Developed by experts in the fields of early childhood and activism against injustice, this topic-driven audiobook offers clear, concrete language and beautiful imagery that young children can grasp and adults can leverage for further discussion. While young children are avid observers and questioners of their world, adults often shut down or postpone conversations on complicated topics because it's hard to know where to begin. Research shows that talking about issues like race and gender from the age of two not only helps children understand what they see, but also increases self-awareness, self-esteem, and allows them to recognize and confront things that are unfair, like discrimination and prejudice. This second book in the series begins the conversation on gender, with a supportive approach that considers both the child and the adult.
Jessica Ralli, Megan Madison (Author), L Morgan Lee (Narrator)
Sophie means to be a good little mouse, but she just can't resist testing the limits with her patient parents and grandmother. Eat supper? More fun to throw it on the floor. Fold the laundry? More fun to knock over the pile. Read with Grandma? More fun to steal her glasses. And then it's time out for Sophie! Rosemary Wells has created a memorable new character, ready to take her place next to Max and Ruby, Yoko, and Noisy Nora. Sophie's adorable antics will strike a chord with children and parents alike.
Rosemary Wells (Author), Suzie Althens (Narrator)
Secrets of a Schoolyard Millionaire
The hilarious story of one bag of cash, two best friends and a whole lot of trouble. 10-year-old Tess is a born entrepreneur. She just needs to come up with the perfect money-making scheme. Then she finds a million quid buried in her back garden. Never mind where the money came from-Tess and her best friend Toby know exactly how to spend it. But, as it turns out, spending a million isn't that easy when you're a kid. Cue bouncy castles, sweets, scheming and a whole lot of trouble ... Features bonus tips on how to become a schoolyard millionaire inside!
Nat Amoore (Author), Shari Sebbens (Narrator)
Saving for the Future: An introduction to Financial Literacy
Saving for the Future helps children see the benefits of saving a portion of money earned. The book addresses the concepts of needs and wants. Introduce beginning readers to key financial concepts in the early elementary curriculum. Children build vocabulary and comprehension as they learn the four basic concepts of financial literacy: earning, saving, spending, and sharing.
Mattie Reynolds (Author), Erika Godwin (Narrator)
Sharing with Others: An introduction to Financial Literacy
Sharing with Others explains the values of charity and sharing one’s earnings and time. The book helps young children see the benefits of sharing their time and money. Introduce beginning readers to key financial concepts in the early elementary curriculum. Children build vocabulary and comprehension as they learn the four basic concepts of financial literacy: earning, saving, spending, and sharing.
Mattie Reynolds (Author), Erika Godwin (Narrator)
Kids Making Money: An Introduction to Financial Literacy
Kids Making Money introduces children to the different ways adults earn money from jobs and helps them think about age-appropriate jobs kids can do too. Introduce beginning readers to key financial concepts in the early elementary curriculum. Children build vocabulary and comprehension as they learn the four basic concepts of financial literacy: earning, saving, spending, and sharing.
Mattie Reynolds (Author), Erika Godwin (Narrator)
Super-Smart Shopping: An introduction to Financial Literacy
Super-Smart Shopping models different ways children can help their families make good decisions when shopping and develop skills to be a smart consumer. Introduce beginning readers to key financial concepts in the early elementary curriculum. Children build vocabulary and comprehension as they learn the four basic concepts of financial literacy: earning, saving, spending, and sharing.
Mattie Reynolds (Author), Erika Godwin (Narrator)
'The perfect potty training lesson ... a fun read for readers of all ages.' —The US Review of Books ~ From the Author of the International Phenomenon EVERYBODY POOPS! ~ Everybody pees—yes, indeed! It’s time to blow the door right off the bathroom, and shine a light on what happens on the loo. For the little ones just discovering the contents of their diapers and nappies, the bigger ones needing reassurance that the most frequent of their mysterious bodily functions is as natural as can be, and the biggest ones who still hold a fondness for toilet humor, Everybody Pees! is spilling over with bright and brazen illustrations and the truth about who’s doing the peeing: every body is doing it! Sure to incite giggling fits and all-ages laughter, Everybody Pees! exposes one of the least talked about facts we all have in common the world over and among all walks of life, benefiting the youngest of us by opening the discussion, promoting comfort with their bodies, and helping them feel included. Pee pride! ************************************************************ 'Will once again have widespread appeal to children - (and adults) ... Sure to be reread frequently.' (Love Reading 4 Kids) 'It's spot on ... an accessible book on such an important subject ... This book will do the job.' (The Wishing Shelf Review) 'A reassuring message for the littlest of little ones ... Meldova's illustrations provide plenty of giggles ... Combines a positive message and attitude to parenting with some sweet and funny humour ... Potty training can be joyous after all!' (The Bookbag)
Justine Avery (Author), Christian Stoner (Narrator)
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