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Splat the Cat and the Duck with No Quack
Clickity clack, clickity clack . . . Splat's bicycle bumps and jumps over the bumpy track on his way to school, until . . . crack! Splat takes a tumble off of his bike and finds himself nose to beak with a duck. A crash of this caliber should certainly merit some alarm from this duck, but Splat hears no sound. A duck with no quack? Splat thinks that his teacher, Mrs. Wimpydimple, will know what to do, so Splat packs the duck in his backpack along with his school supplies and heads off to Cat School. Join Splat in this hilarious story that is sure to quack up beginning readers.
Rob Scotton (Author), Dan Bittner (Narrator)
Compare and contrast different animals through predictable, rhyming analogies. Find the similarities between even the most incompatible animals . . . bat is to flit as eagle is to soar; dog is to bark as lion is to roar. Comparisons include sounds, physical adaptations, behaviors, and animals classes and are so fun, readers learn without even realizing it! Animalogy is to fun, as animals are to nature.
Marianne Berkes (Author), Donna German (Narrator)
Animalogía: Analogías de Animales
Compara y contrasta diferentes animales a través de analogías predecibles y en rima. Encuentra las similitudes entre los animales menos compatibles... así como el murciélago revolotea, el águila vuela; así como el perro ladra, el león ruge. Las comparaciones incluyen sonidos, adaptaciones físicas, comportamientos, y clases de animales y son tan divertidas que ¡los lectores aprenden sin darse cuenta! Así como la Animalogía es diversión, los animales son la naturaleza.
Marianne Berkes (Author), Rosalyna Toth (Narrator)
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves
That wild old lady is back swallowing fallthemed items. What can you make from leaves, clothes, a pumpkin, and rope? That's right, a scarecrow!
Lucille Colandro (Author), Skip Hinnant (Narrator)
Struwelpeter: Merry Stories and Funny Pictures
Heinrich Hoffman's classic cautionary tales for children was first published in German in 1844, with this English edition following four years later in 1848. It has remained a popular childhood favourite ever since. The tales tell the stories of children whose disobedience or bad habits lead them to a sticky end. No childhood is complete without characters like Shock-Headed Peter who never cuts his fingernails or combs his hair, or Suck-a-Thumb or Fidgety Philip. The comically gruesome fates which befall the children is partly what makes Struwelpeter so appealing to young listeners.
Heinrich Hoffman (Author), Cathy Dobson (Narrator)
The Frog Who Would A Wooing Go
Charles Bennett's classic telling of the traditional story about a young frog who wants to woo a mouse - but he and his bride to be fall afoul of a cat and a duck.
Charles Bennet (Author), Cathy Dobson (Narrator)
Written in 1867, The Magic Fishbone is one of Charles Dickens' best loved fairy tales for children. It tells the story of an impoverished King who can barely manage to keep his nineteen children, and it is a long time until pay day. One day he meets a Fairy Godmother who tells him to give his eldest daughter, Princess Alicia, a piece of salmon, and after she has eaten everything but the bone, she is to dry and polish the bone carefully because it has magic powers. The magic fishbone will grant one wish - but only if it is used at the exact right time. Various catastrophes befall the family, but Princess Alicia does not call upon the powers of the magic fishbone, much to her father's annoyance. Until finally one day, something happens which leaves her in no doubt that this really is the right time...
Charles Dickens (Author), Cathy Dobson (Narrator)
A.J. Glinski was to Poland what the Brothers Grimm were to Germany. He travelled the country and collected folk legends and fairy tales and wrote them down exactly as they were told to him by local peasants. This Frog Princess is part of the collection of traditional folk tales which he first published in 1862. A king has three sons and is determined that one shall be his heir - but which? He orders them to marry and decrees that the one who picks the best wife shall be the next king. The youngest finds himself marrying a frog, against his better judgement. But when it turns out that the frog is extraordinarily gifted in such skills as carpet weaving and baking, he looks like winning the contest to be king. His frog princess is indeed a real princess under a magic spell - but his attempt to break the spell and keep his bride in human form backfires. His bride transforms herself into a duck and flies away. A lengthy quest and many adventures follow before he is able to regain his lost bride. Absolutely enchanting!
A.J. Glinski (Author), Cathy Dobson (Narrator)
Scapegoat: The Story of a Goat named Oat and a Chewed-Up Coat
Dean Hale won widespread acclaim as coauthor of the award-winning graphic novels Rapunzel's Revenge and Calamity Jack. In his first beginning-reader book, Hale delivers a delightful, rhyme-packed tale sure to become a bedtime favorite. Being a goat isn't easy-especially in the Choat household. Petunia P. Oat (the goat) gets blamed for everything. If something goes missing, the members of family Choat invariably blame (you guessed it) the goat. But Petunia's about to show that the culprit isn't a goat-it's a Choat!
Dean Hale (Author), Andrew Watts (Narrator)
Children love stories. Bring the magic of good storytelling into your classroom with Classic Tales, and they'll love their English lessons too. Enjoy the tale of the princess who slept for a hundred years …
Sue Arengo (Author), Multiple Narrators (Narrator)
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum? Die Uhr und die Zeit
Robert kommt zu spät zu den Kindern: Seine Uhr ist kaputt. Gemeinsam stellen sie fest, warum Uhren und Kalender wichtig sind und wie die Zeit den Tagesablauf bestimmt. Beim Besuch im Uhrenmuseum erfahren die Kinder alles über die Geschichte der Uhr und welche verschiedenen Uhren es gibt. Sie basteln zu Hause eine Uhr um zu üben wie sie gelesen wird. Beim Abendessen erklärt Robert ihnen was Viertelstunden und halbe Stunden sind. Und abends im Bett fragen sich die Kinder, ob die Uhr nachts schläft. Authentische Geräusche, viel Musik und das Eröffnungslied von Ulrich Maske machen das Ganze zum spannenden Hörspielerlebnis nach dem Motto 'Ich bin ganz Ohr!'. Das gleichnamige Buch von Angela Weinhold aus dem Ravensburger Buchverlag erschienen.
Angela Weinhold (Author), Robert Missler (Narrator)
Als Oberwassermann Gischt und seine Frau Schwalla einen roten Sohn namens Grünhard bekommen, sind alle grünen Wassermannfamilien in den Krottmoorer Teichen vollkommen aus dem Häuschen. Schon bald wird der kleine Wassermann von den anderen Kindern gehänselt. Dann aber lernt Grünhard sich selbst zu akzeptieren. Er wird zum Oberwassermann, gründet eine Familie und heißt fortan Rothard. Das gleichnamige Buch ist im Ravensburger Buchverlag erschienen.
Gudrun Pausewang (Author), Karl Menrad (Narrator)
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