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Ruby The Rainbow Witch: Meet the Amber Fairies
Oh, no, there are no sweets left on the magical branches! What’s a clever young witch to do?Ruby can’t believe what she’s seeing. Her favorite trees have lost all their candy! And the Amber Fairies who usually help fix up her home are nowhere to be found. Now Ruby is worried her normally beautiful garden won’t look perfect for the upcoming festival. But when she finally tracks down her friends, there’s a ginormous problem: They’ve run out of magic dust! Can Ruby help the fairies find more enchanted sprinkles in time for a sugary bloom? Meet the Amber Fairies is the third entry in the delightful Ruby the Rainbow Witch children’s picture book series. If you or your child like kind-hearted heroes, magical worlds, and brightly colored stories, then you’ll love Kim Ann’s happy tale of fun. Buy Meet the Amber Fairies to bring the sugar-frosted forest back to life today!
Kim Ann (Author), Amy Weaver (Narrator)
Jules Verne: Meuterei auf der Bounty: Eine Abenteuergeschichte
Kapitän Bligh ist ein harter Hund. Ein Teil seiner Untergebenen will seinen Befehlsstil auf dieser Südseereise nicht länger hinnehmen. Angeführt von Fletcher Christian werden Bligh und seine Getreuen in einem Boot ausgesetzt. Doch der Kapitän ist ein ausgezeichneter Navigator und schafft es bis nach England. Unverzüglich wird von dort ein Schiff ausgesandt, um den Meuterern den Prozess zu machen... Diese berühmte Seemanns-Geschichte ist zahlreich verfilmt worden!
Jules Verne (Author), Jürgen Fritsche (Narrator)
Mexify - Das Hotel im Nirgendwo
Endlich Ferien! Für Mexi bedeutet das vor allem eins: Zocken ohne Ende! Doch er hat die Rechnung ohne seine Eltern gemacht. Die haben nämlich einen spontanen Familienurlaub gebucht - in einem langweiligen Hotel mitten im Nirgendwo. Mexi bleibt nichts anderes übrig, als seine beiden Möpse Simba und Nala einzupacken und sich auf den ödesten Ausflug seines Lebens einzustellen. In der 'Pension zum Hexenwalder Tal' angekommen, bestätigen sich seine schlimmsten Befürchtungen. Es gibt nichts außer Wald, nicht mal Internet. Doch bereits in der ersten Nacht geschehen die verrücktesten Dinge: Mexis Eltern verschwinden spurlos, während sich das Hotel als Tor in eine fremde Welt voll magischer Wesen entpuppt! Zusammen mit seinen beiden Hunden stürzt sich Mexi in ein unglaubliches Abenteuer, bei dem er nicht nur seine Eltern retten muss. Der Frieden der magischen Welt wie auch der Menschenwelt liegt plötzlich in seinen Händen!
Josh Matthews, Mexify (Author), Sebastian Schulz (Narrator)
Eddie und Freddie: Eine Freundschaft steht Kopf
In einem alten verfallenen Haus lebt Eddie, die Maus. Er wohnt mit seiner Mäusefamilie unter der morschen Holztreppe. Als er eines Tages im verwilderten Garten gerade nach Futter sucht, jagt plötzlich ein lautloser Schatten durch die Luft und über die Wiese. Gleichzeitig verschwinden Insekten, die eben noch in der Luft getanzt haben wie von Geisterhand. Eddie huscht zurück ins sichere Haus und beschließt auf dem alten Speicher nach Futter zu suchen. Dort ist er vor dem Schatten sicher, denkt er sich. Doch ist er wirklich allein? Plötzlich landet ein stinkender Haufen auf seinem Kopf. Hat ihm da jemand auf den Kopf gekackt? Er schaut nach oben. Und tatsächlich hängt dort kopfüber an einem Dachbalken eine seltsame Maus mit einem grauen Cape. Der Beginn einer ungewöhnlichen Freundschaft. Wo ist eigentlich oben und wo unten? Zusammen stürzen sie sich in ein nächtliches Abenteuer!
Beatrice Kaps-Zurmahr (Author), Beatrice Kaps-Zurmahr (Narrator)
El regalo de Lis se compone de la traducción y adaptación del alemán al castellano de una selección de siete cuentos pertenecientes a la obra Träumereien an französischen Kaminen, del cirujano y escritor alemán Richard von Volkmann (1830-1889): El joven Gafe y la princesa Fortuna, El órgano prodigioso, La hijita de oro, El reino invisible, Un cuento para niños, La vieja maleta y La música celestial. Todos ellos conectan de forma entrañable con 'el niño interior' del ser humano, y a través de las historias que viven sus personajes, aportan valores tales como el valor de soñar y perseguir los sueños, la justicia, la bondad, la generosidad, y la importancia de lo invisible y espiritual frente a lo material y terrenal.
Maribel Hernández Del Rincón (Author), Maribel Hernández Del Rincón (Narrator)
In the newest installment of the Wings of Fire series, tensions are higher than ever as we prepare for a fight for the survival of dragonkind!
Tui T. Sutherland (Author), Shannon Mcmanus (Narrator)
Phantom Stallion: The Wild One
When 13-year-old Samantha returns home to her family′s cattle ranch in Nevada, she′s worried. She moved away two years ago to recover from a bad fall off her beloved mustang, Blackie, and she′s still not sure she can get back in the saddle. Her new colt doesn′t seem to like her, and the other ranchers treat her like the boss′s spoiled daughter, and Blackie has been missing since that fateful day. But that′s just the beginning. When Sam suddenly finds the fate of a mysterious mustang who may or may not be the missing Blackie - resting in her hands, she has to learn to be a real cowgirl, ready or not. The classic theme of a girl and her horse is set against a backdrop of mustangs, tumbleweeds, and a West that′s still Wild. Phantom Stallion #1: The Wild One On a moonlit night, a mustang comes to Sam. Is it Blackie grown up and gone wild? Is it the legendary phantom stallion? Or could it be both?
Terri Farley (Author), Natalie Budig (Narrator)
The Boy Who Sang with Dragons (The Boy Who Grew Dragons 5)
Tomas is a fully-fledged expert dragon grower and protector of the dragonfruit tree. He has eyes in the back of his head for watching over those sneaky dragons, awesomely fast reflexes for putting out sparks and dodging the diving antics of whirling newly hatched dragons. He's got it all down pat - and managing his little lightning bolt dragon Zing, too. But he's not quite prepared for the adventure that awaits him when a huge secret is revealed about his new friend, Aura. A thrilling secret that will take Tomas and Aura on a journey of discovery that will finally unlock the last mysteries of the dragonfruit tree. A journey of discovery that all the dragons will be in on - and just what will happen when lightning bolt dragon Zing and storm dragon Flicker get together? Get ready for the ride of your life in this fizzing, sparkling final story in THE BOY WHO GREW DRAGONS series.
Andy Shepherd (Author), Ewan Goddard (Narrator)
The Day I got Zapped with Super Powers
When a dastardly villain's attempt to steal a laser machine goes spectacularly wrong, nine-year-old Zack gets zapped with super powers. This would be awesome, other than Zack is a teeny tiny bit afraid of ... EVERYTHING! Now, the most undeserving superhero of all time must fashion a costume, save the day and work out how to reverse the laser's effect before he gets stuck with super powers FOR EVER!
Tom Mclaughlin (Author), Chris Devon (Narrator)
Pizazz: The super awesome new superhero series!
The first in a super (like, actually, with powers and stuff) NEW series for 7+ readers from the amazingly talented illustrator and author Sophy Henn! This is the perfect read for fans of Dork Diaries, Tom Gates, Amelia Fang, Wimpy Kid and Dog Man. Being a superhero is the best thing ever, right? WRONG! HELLO! My name is Pizazz and I'm a superhero… You probably think that's really AWESOME and while it can be, it's also REEEEEEEAAALLLLY annoying. Don't believe me? Well, I have to wear the same outfit ALL THE TIME?! I'm always dashing off to save the world right in the middle of fun stuff. Plus I have to be the good guy even when I might not want to be. And sometimes I just want to be, well, normal. You see, it's not easy being SUPER … PS. DON'T even ask me about my super "POWER"… "Blocky comic-style panels, a fire-farting granddad and a conservationist message make for accessible, quirky reading" - The Guardian, Children's Book of the Month "Sophy Henn's funny new series […] a witty and original reminder that superheroes are human too" - The Sunday Times, Children's Book of the Week "Sophy Henn's lively, energetic story should be a hit with anyone who finds it hard to fit in" - The Financial Times "Full-page illustrations, comic-strip sequences, quirky typography and dramatic chapter openers ensure this book will appeal to more reluctant readers" - The i "Perfect for fans of her previous series Bad Nana, with the same level of illustration and zany text throughout" - Booktrust
Sophy Henn (Author), Sophy Henn (Narrator)
Magic is closer than you ever thought possible in this madcap middle grade adventure perfect for fans of James Riley and Chris Grabenstein. For Mason Mortimer Morrison, life isn’t so magical. His dad was just sent to jail, his grades have been plummeting from meh to yikes, and, oh yeah, two officers from some organization called Magix just showed up to arrest him in the middle of fourth period. Talk about bad luck. Mason knows he’s innocent. But in order to clear his name, he’s going to need the help of a plucky Magix junior detective and a cantankerous talking bunny—and a little bit of magic.
Tyler Whitesides (Author), Mark Turetsky (Narrator)
'The Dragon Detective Agency. Dirk Dilly speaking.' When detective Dirk Dilly gets a call from Holly, a young girl whose pet cat has gone missing, the dragon ends up with not only a new case to solve but also a self-appointed partner-in-solving-crime. And it turns out that Holly's cat is just the beginning! As the pair hunt for clues, Dirk spots other dragons flying over the city - and not the good kind. Dirk has a hunch they might just be involved, but will he and Holly be able prevent further cat-astrophe before it's too late? The first instalment in a fun and action-packed detective series for fans of TOTO THE NINJA CAT, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON and Tom Fletcher's children's books.
Gareth P. Jones (Author), Simon Vance (Narrator)
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