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Never in her wildest dreams did nine-year-old Molly believe she could be loved again. Molly’s fed up with the cruel Mr and Mrs Furrows who run the orphanage. She wants out. When a mysterious palace appears outside her bedroom, she thinks ... Now’s my chance. Molly is invited to join the royal family, but there’s a catch. It involves a secret mission and magic tokens. She has only one month to complete her mission and accept the king’s invitation. If she doesn’t, will she ever get another chance to get away from Mr and Mrs Furrows? Join Molly on her adventure and discover the hidden message of the story - secret missions happen every day when you’re a child of God.
Carmen Allen (Author), Carmen Allen (Narrator)
When Brill first hears the legend of the Ayn Noor—the light of the inner world—it is only a story. The child of a devout Christian and a prominent scientist, he isn’t supposed to believe in myths, especially those of the Pagani. But the tale of the diamond stirs something deep within him. It tells of the first people, who lived in a world below this one, dark and terrible. With the help of a benevolent goddess, they travelled by the light of the Ayn Noor up the spiral path and into the new world, trapping the jewel above. It is said that one day the time will come for the Ayn Noor to be returned, righting a great betrayal and restoring balance to both worlds. Until that day, the Pagani have sworn to protect it. Now, after two years of drought and disease, the mighty Ilyrian Empire is in disarray. In the far north, an uneasy detente exists between the fiercely independent Pagani and their conquerors. So when Ilyrian soldiers steal the Ayn Noor, the theft sparks a violent uprising that threatens to topple a tenuous peace. Reeling from the death of his father and coming of age in the capital city, Brill is beginning to sense that he does not fit in with the world around him. But when Pagani legend comes to his door, will he have the strength to follow the journey laid at his feet, even if it means abandoning all he has ever understood about himself? The first book in the Blue Snake series, The Theft of the Ayn Noor is interwoven with a cast of unforgettable characters—from a young warrior learning to wield her power, to a mysterious order of mystics, to the pompous and preening leaders of the ruling class. An epic adventure in the tradition of Dune and the His Dark Materials trilogy, Lartigue’s debut novel explores the tension between our physical and spiritual selves and what happens when our preconceived notions of identity dissolve.
Charles L.M. Lartigue (Author), Tim Campbell (Narrator)
This is the second book in the 'Oriana the Befana' series. In 'Oriana and the Broom Dog' Caspar saves the day! His dream of becoming a Befana in training is about to come true. Join Caspar and Oriana (and grumpy old Broom) on this, their second, adventure.
Philippa Holland (Author), Philippa Holland (Narrator)
The Extraordinary Aquatic Adventure: Fairies Edition
Have you ever thought there are many things that are not taught in schools, even though they are crutial to our children’s development? Have you wondered how to teach listening to the intuition? Then keep reading… In the contemporary world it can get be quite easy to get distracted from our goals and what we set out to do. As a children’s fiction author, I find it increasingly important to equip the youth with skills and understanding of how to dream big, become wonderful people and ultimately fulfill what they set out to achieve in life. Now, to dream and to fulfill their dreams, first of all, children need to understand what is it that they want. Right? What makes people happy is different and what and how children will wish to go about life will also be different. In these pages, your child will discover: - How to recognize the intuition and what it means to follow it. - Why spontaneity can be a great way to go in some instances. - Get acquainted with wonderful sea creatures. - Gain the one key skill needed when acting on a whim. - Understand why being kind to others will get them rewarded in the long run. - Receive an introduction to Greek Mythology. - Learn that every deed has a cause and effect, be in right or wrong. Have you been looking for a book that will ensure that your child knows how to achieve success? “The Extraordinary Aquatic Adventure” will teach your children to go about modern-day life successfully even if every other children’s book has failed to provide any value. If you want your child to learn the most important parts of becoming successful, then scroll up and click the ADD TO CART button. Copyright © 2019 Creative Arts Management Company
Mardus öösaar (Author), Mardus öösaar (Narrator)
Children of the Chieftain: Bound for Home
After three years in the service of the emperor of the Greeks, Ahl and his Viking friends have become very rich. Now the crew longs to return home with their wealth, their problem is that the emperor will not permit them to leave. They make a daring plan to escape. The route home is perilous as they navigate uncharted seas. They must overcome robbers, storms and hostile strangers as they seek their way back to the Northlands with the riches which they have earned.
Michael E Wills (Author), Michael E Wills (Narrator)
This is the 3rd book in the 'Oriana the Befana' series. As all the children in Italy wait excitedly for the arrival of the Befana, a very special little girl gets the surprise of her life. Join Oriana, Caspar and grumpy old Broom as they too have a very surprising night.
Philippa Holland (Author), Philippa Holland (Narrator)
Oriana takes Olivia to meet an old friend of hers, the Seamstress. When something magical needs mending, she's the person to see! There is also a surprise encounter with an unexpected and very important guest! It this, the 4th book in the 'Oriana the Befana' series, Olivia's adventures begin!
Philippa Holland (Author), Philippa Holland (Narrator)
'Epos - liekehtivä lintu on Beast Quest -fantasiasarjan kuudes ja viimeinen osa. Saaga vie mukanaan hurjiin seikkailuihin, joissa on yllin kyllin taikaa, jännitystä ja kammottavia hirviöitä. Vauhtia ja vaarallisia tilanteita sisältävät kirjat vangitsevat pauloihinsa monen ikäiset lukijat ja kuuntelijat! Mahtava liekkilintu Epos on herättänyt pitkään uinuneen tulivuoren eloon, ja Avantian valtakunta uhkaa hautautua polttavan laavan ja tuhkan alle. On viimeisen koitoksen aika, ja Tomin ja Elennan täytyy vapauttaa Epos, liekehtivä lintu, ennen kuin tulivuori purkautuu! Pimeyden velho Malvelin kirousta ei kuitenkaan niin vain poistetakaan, ja edessä ovat kuumat paikat... Uskallatko matkata liekkien keskelle selvittämään, miten Tomin, Elennan ja koko Avantian valtakunnan käy?'
Adam Blade (Author), Lari Halme (Narrator)
A story of Emperor, a hungry wolf in search of food, who came across Dawn, a bear cub all alone in the wild. For years wolves & bears been enemies, but Emperor who is not like his pack will put his life on the line to protect his friend and get him back to his sleuth.
Cindy Christmas (Author), Cindy Christmas (Narrator)
'Tagus - karmiva kentauri on kuusiosaisen Beast Quest -fantasiasarjan neljäs osa. Saaga vie mukanaan huimiin seikkailuihin, joissa on yllin kyllin taikaa, jännitystä ja kammottavia hirviöitä. Vauhtia ja vaarallisia tilanteita sisältävät kirjat vangitsevat pauloihinsa monen ikäiset lukijat ja kuuntelijat! Avantian laajoja tasankoja kiusaa mystinen vitsaus. Karjalaumat vauhkoontuvat ja tulipalot uhkaavat tuhota preerian. Pelokkaiden karjapaimenten keskuudessa huhutaan hurjasta pedosta, joka on puoliksi ihminen ja puoliksi hevonen. Tomin ja Elennan on jälleen aika astua näyttämölle ja pysäyttää tuhoa kylvävä kentauri ennen kuin on liian myöhäistä! Tomin ja karjapaimenten välillä syntyy kuitenkin odottamaton sanaharkka ja Tom löytää itsensä vankilasta... Pääseekö Tom vapaaksi ajoissa? Onnistuvatko rohkeat ystävykset lopulta voittamaan kaupunkilaisten luottamuksen ja kukistamaan karmivan kentaurin kirouksen?'
Adam Blade (Author), Lari Halme (Narrator)
'Nanook - hyytävä lumihirviö on kuusiosaisen Beast Quest -fantasiasarjan viides osa. Saaga vie mukanaan huimiin seikkailuihin, joissa on yllin kyllin taikaa, jännitystä ja kammottavia hirviöitä. Vauhtia ja vaarallisia tilanteita sisältävät kirjat vangitsevat pauloihinsa monen ikäiset lukijat ja kuuntelijat! Pohjoisen Avantian suuret jääkentät ovat vaarassa! Kaikki alkoi salaperäisillä hyökkäyksillä ja pian jää alkoi rakoilla ja sulaa. Sääkin oikuttelee selittämättömästi, ja tärkeä kulkureitti valtakunnan eteläosiin uhkaa katketa. Pimeyden velho Malvelin taialta ei säästy yksikään Avantian kolkka, eivät edes valtakunnan hyisimmät huiput. Lumihirviö Nanook mellastaa Malvelin kirouksen kourissa, ja Tomin ystävineen on pysäytettävä hirviö! Matka pohjoiseen ei kuitenkaan ole helppo, eikä Nanook ole ainoa hyytävän matkan varrella vaaniva vaara...'
Adam Blade (Author), Lari Halme (Narrator)
Der kleine Vampir liest vor - Der kleine Vampir, Band 8 (Ungekürzt)
Grausige Geschehnisse kommen ans Kerzenlicht ... Noch immer haust der kleine Vampir in der Burgruine im Jammertal. Anton dagegen musste umziehen in den langweiligen Landgasthof von Frau Tugendhaft. Zum Glück kann er aber auch hier den wachsamen Augen seiner Eltern gelegentlich entkommen. Denn der kleine Vampir erwartet ihn bereits zu einer Vorlesestunde aus der Familienchronik. Anton soll endlich erfahren, was Vampirmädchen Olga in ihrem transsylvanischen Schloss erleiden musste ...
Angela Sommer-Bodenburg (Author), Katharina Thalbach (Narrator)
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