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Short Bedtime Stories for Kids: Help Your Children Fall Asleep Fast in Bed and Relax with Short and
Help Your Children Fall Asleep Fast in Bed and Relax with Short and Funny Stories.Does your child have a hard time falling asleep at night? Would you like your child to learn essential mindfulness skills that will allow them to thrive in life? Sleep is essential to your child's development. Adequate amounts of sleep lead to improved attention, behavior, learning, memory, quality of life, and mental health! Bedtime stories are about much more than just sleep, though. They allow you and your child to deeply connect at the end of each day, a time your child will cherish for years to come. And, then we have the vast amount of benefits children get as a result of listening to or being read) a bedtime story every night. SCROLL UP and DOWNLOAD NOW!
Tony Seventh (Author), Elizabeth Proby, Tony Seventh (Narrator)
Bedtime Stories for Kids: Help Your Children Fall Asleep Fast & Dreaming Peacefully with Funny Short
Help Your Children Fall Asleep Fast & Dreaming Peacefully with Funny Short Stories. Do you want to help your child fall asleep every night as you bond with them using bedtime stories? For kids, the unfortunate consequences of growing up in our busy, tech-connected society are that human connection suffers, focus suffers, mental health suffers, and sleep suffers. Mindfulness practices are scientifically proven to improve all of the above. Each story combines mindfulness/meditation research with professionally written children’s stories to help your child get lost in their imagination while reconnecting with the present moment. Study after study has shown how bedtime stories help improve children's well-being, learning potential, creativity, child-parent bonding, and can make them happier than scrolling on their iPad and inspire children to become amazing creators. Why don't you start giving your child a great time today? Scroll back to the top of this page and click “buy now”.
Tony Seventh (Author), Elizabeth Proby, Tony Seventh (Narrator)
Le mouron rouge: Les nouveaux exploits
Aigri et rancunier Chauvelin désire vivement se venger du Mouron Rouge. Mais pour cela il faut faire sortir l'oiseau du nid et le mettre dans un situation dont même son génie ne saurait le tirer d'affaire.
Baronne Emmuska D'orczy (Author), Emmanuelle Lemée (Narrator)
Mathias Sandorf est un roman d'aventures qui est dédié à titre posthume à Alexandre Dumas père, l'auteur du Comte de Monte-Cristo en 1844. Les deux romans ont des points communs, même s'ils sont bien différents : dans Mathias Sandorf, le nationaliste hongrois éponyme, condamné à mort à la suite d'une tentative de coup d'État ratée, s'évade d'une prison autrichienne, devient riche et se venge des traîtres qui l'ont dénoncé.
Jules Verne (Author), Emmanuelle Lemée (Narrator)
Avec l'aide de l'actrice Désirée a qui il a promis le pardon et le succès pour sa coopération, il met en place un complot qui force Sir Percy à l'affronter en duel. Or les duels étant illégals en Angleterre, celui-ci ne pourra avoir lieu qu'en territoire français. Le voilà forcé d'aller à découvert.
Wenceslas-Eugène Dick (Author), Emmanuelle Lemée (Narrator)
Magic Bedtime Stories for Kids: A Collection of Fantasy Short Stories to Help Children Falling Aslee
A Collection of Fantasy Short Stories to Help Children Falling Asleep Fast and Dreaming Peacefully.Do you want to know the perfect way to help your child develop healthy sleep habits? Do you want to help your child while having fun snuggling together every single night? A relaxing collection of bedtime stories can help you in a critical part in your child's improvement. Child clinicians point out the cognitive benefits for youths who are raised with bedtime stories, counting higher-than-average proficiency rates and a passionate association to perusing. If you want to know more about this book, then keep reading. Each story is characterized by extraordinary environments, special characters, and sensational adventures that will teach your child important life lessons and, at the same time, unconsciously strengthen their awareness. Scroll up and click the 'buy now' button!
Catherine Wolf (Author), Catherine Wolf, Liz Parkerson, Robert Spalding (Narrator)
Unicorn and The Pony, The: Bedtime Stories for Kids: Help Your Kids Fall Asleep Fast and Achieve Bea
Help Your Kids Fall Asleep Fast and Achieve Beautiful Dream Nights with Unicorns and Ponies Stories.Does your child find it difficult to get a peaceful sleep at night? Do you want to spend the happiest bedtime with your child? The practice of storytelling is one of the best forms to help promote sleep. Whether the story is written or recorded, we strive to do our best to let it guide us to sleep. We also conducted several experiments to evaluate the quality of the story and the effects of guided sleep. This collection of short mindfulness meditation stories is designed to be interesting and engaging for both parent and child. Each story is designed to grab and hold the attention of your child and keep them interested and engaged from beginning to end, while also instructing them in mindfulness and relaxation techniques that will reduce anxiety and encourage sleepiness. If you want to allow yourself a peaceful relaxed moment, you can make yourself a present by ordering it now!
Sara Dablood (Author), Michelle Shanes, Sara Dablood (Narrator)
Bord duka dig är en saga om tre önskningar: god mat, pengar och en trygg tillvaro. I den här Grimm-sagan har önskningarna en fantasieggande och humoristisk förklädnad som också får små barn att känna igen sig.
Magnus Melander (Author), Magnus Melander (Narrator)
Magic Bedtime Stories for Kids: A Collection of Fantasy and Magic Short Stories with Positive Affirm
A Collection of Fantasy and Magic Short Stories with Positive Affirmations to Help Them Fall Asleep & Relax.Does your child have a hard time falling asleep? This book can help you! In this collection of bedtime stories, your child will be taken on adventures around the world that not only entertain but also provide amazing life lessons they can take with them. You and your child can listen along as the narrator takes them on a magical journey into a peaceful and healing sleep. Through empowering stories, they can learn how to do things such as relax deeply, develop healthy sleep habits, understand and express their emotions, learn valuable life lessons, and develop their confidence and self-esteem! In addition, each story uses colorful and imaginative characters, settings, and situations to create an environment which will not only help children to become interested in the story itself but also serve as a vehicle to convey moral teaching and lesson. Free up some time for yourself as a parent and get your baby to sleep well, once and for all! Buy the audiobook now.
Elizabeth Pitcher (Author), Chloe Spangler, Elizabeth Pitcher, Will Barson (Narrator)
Magic Bedtime Stories for Kids: Short Magic and Fantasy Tales to Help Your Children Relaxing & Falli
Short Magic and Fantasy Tales to Help Your Children Relaxing & Falling Asleep Fast.Does your kid always keep asking for one last bedtime story? Is it hard for them to calm down or relax after a busy day? Listening to children's bedtime stories is very important for their mental and emotional development. This offers a double benefit to both parents and children involved in this simple yet extremely rewarding act. Listening to bedtime stories helps parents bond with their children. We get to listen to interesting stories while the kids ask smart and funny questions. This will help parents understand more about the nature of their children. If there is no interaction between parents and children, the relationship is unbalanced. Inside this book, you will find short magic bedtime stories. Apart from the truly magical journeys, these stories also have important morals and values at the end. If you want to gift your little one the best sleep of their life, then buy this book now!
Sara Dablood (Author), Michelle Shanes, Sara Dablood (Narrator)
Magic Unicorn, The: Bedtime Stories for Kids: Help Your Children Fall Asleep Fast with Short Unicorn
Help Your Children Fall Asleep Fast with Short Unicorn Stories.Do you want your kids to go to sleep faster, but still enrich their minds culturally and intellectually? The restoring benefits of sleep are known to be crucial for good health and are the foundation for a happier kid. Mindfulness meditation techniques are a proven way to improve sleep, boost cognition, and reduce stress and anxiety. They also help us control our emotions and be less agitated. In this audiobook, you will find a collection of stories to help children enter a place of dreams and eventually drift off into sleep. These stories are intended to stir their imagination in such a way that the transition from fantasy and adventure into dreamland will be a seamless one. Best of all, your children will be able to get a good night's sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and happy. So, if you to add 8 hours of fun, relaxing, and educational bedtime stories to your family's collection then buy this audiobook now!
Catherine Wolf (Author), Catherine Wolf, Liz Parkerson, Robert Spalding (Narrator)
Stunde der Giganten - Waterland, Band 2 (Gekürzte Lesung)
Kaum sind Jacob, Tristan und Hali auf dem U-Boot der WasserKrieger angekommen, meldet sich eine Trockensiedlung in Not: sie wurde von Flutwesen angegriffen. Doch was macht die Flutwesen plötzlich so aggressiv? Und was hat es mit dem rätselhaften Flutmädchen Aiko auf sich, das die Freunde bewusstlos am Strand gefunden haben? Jacob und Hali machen sich erneut auf den Weg in die Tiefen des Meeres, um Antworten zu suchen. Sie müssen erkennen, dass ihnen jetzt nur noch die größten und mächtigsten Wesen des Ozeans helfen können: die Wale!
Dan Jolley (Author), Jacob Weigert (Narrator)
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