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Princess Naomi Helps a Unicorn: A Dance-It-Out Creative Movement Story for Young Movers
Unicorns and Horses and Snakes, oh my! Princess Naomi Helps a Unicorn is a 2021 Mom's Choice Gold Award Recipient. Interactive movement wrapped up in a charming story of sibling angst, anger management, compassion, and triumph. Grown-ups sit; kiddos move and practice dance fundamentals. Fed up with her annoying sister, Naomi storms out of the castle, only to discover a unicorn in need of help. With a sense of purpose, she quickly forgets her anger. Ballerina Konora is featured on each page as optional movement guide for kids who want to get up and dance. 'Cheerful and heartwarming, this movement adventure will inspire creative expression through imagination. As readers replicate the actions in the story, they will gain a greater understanding of human emotions and how to express them through both words and actions.' -Mary Lanni, Librarian/Reviewer
Once Upon A Dance (Author), Amy Barron Smolinski (Narrator)
The Gun by Philip K. Dick - Nothing moved or stirred. Everything was silent, dead. Only the gun showed signs of life ... and the trespassers had wrecked that for all time. The return journey to pick up the treasure would be a cinch ... they smiled. The Captain peered into the eyepiece of the telescope. He adjusted the focus quickly. 'It was an atomic fission we saw, all right,' he said presently. He sighed and pushed the eyepiece away. 'Any of you who wants to look may do so. But it's not a pretty sight.' 'Let me look,' Tance the archeologist said. He bent down to look, squinting. 'Good Lord!' He leaped violently back, knocking against Dorle, the Chief Navigator. 'Why did we come all this way, then?' Dorle asked, looking around at the other men. 'There's no point even in landing. Let's go back at once.' 'Perhaps he's right,' the biologist murmured. 'But I'd like to look for myself, if I may.' He pushed past Tance and peered into the sight. He saw a vast expanse, an endless surface of gray, stretching to the edge of the planet. At first he thought it was water but after a moment he realized that it was slag, pitted, fused slag, broken only by hills of rock jutting up at intervals. Nothing moved or stirred. Everything was silent, dead. 'I see,' Fomar said, backing away from the eyepiece. 'Well, I won't find any legumes there.' He tried to smile, but his lips stayed unmoved. He stepped away and stood by himself, staring past the others. 'I wonder what the atmospheric sample will show,' Tance said. 'I think I can guess,' the Captain answered. 'Most of the atmosphere is poisoned. But didn't we expect all this? I don't see why we're so surprised. A fission visible as far away as our system must be a terrible thing.' He strode off down the corridor, dignified and expressionless. They watched him disappear into the control room.
Philip K. Dick (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Beyond Lies The Wub by Philip K. Dick - The slovenly wub might well have said: Many men talk like philosophers and live like fools. They had almost finished with the loading. Outside stood the Optus, his arms folded, his face sunk in gloom. Captain Franco walked leisurely down the gangplank, grinning. 'What's the matter?' he said. 'You're getting paid for all this.' The Optus said nothing. He turned away, collecting his robes. The Captain put his boot on the hem of the robe. 'Just a minute. Don't go off. I'm not finished.' 'Oh?' The Optus turned with dignity. 'I am going back to the village.' He looked toward the animals and birds being driven up the gangplank into the spaceship. 'I must organize new hunts.' Franco lit a cigarette. 'Why not? You people can go out into the veldt and track it all down again. But when we run out halfway between Mars and Earth—' The Optus went off, wordless. Franco joined the first mate at the bottom of the gangplank. 'How's it coming?' he said. He looked at his watch. 'We got a good bargain here.' The mate glanced at him sourly. 'How do you explain that?' 'What's the matter with you? We need it more than they do.' 'I'll see you later, Captain.' The mate threaded his way up the plank, between the long-legged Martian go-birds, into the ship. Franco watched him disappear. He was just starting up after him, up the plank toward the port, when he saw it. 'My God!' He stood staring, his hands on his hips. Peterson was walking along the path, his face red, leading it by a string. 'I'm sorry, Captain,' he said, tugging at the string. Franco walked toward him. 'What is it?' The wub stood sagging, its great body settling slowly. It was sitting down, its eyes half shut. A few flies buzzed about its flank, and it switched its tail. It sat. There was silence. 'It's a wub.'
Philip K. Dick (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
So They Baked A Cake by Winston Marks - He was tired of people—a 'human interest' columnist, who specializes in glamorizations of the commonplace and sordid is likely to get that way. So ... this starship seemed to offer the ideal escape from it all. Sure, I was one of the tough guys who said it would be great, just great, to get away from the boiling mess of humanity that stank up every inhabitable rock on earth. Not being the Daniel Boone type, this was my private qualification for the job—being fed up to here with people, with the smothering bureaucracy of world government, with restrictions and rationing and synthetic diet supplements and synthetic blondes and mass hypochondria and phony emotions and standing in line to get into a pay toilet. I hated my profession, trying to wring glamorous interviews out of bewildered heroes and press-agents' darlings and pompous politicians and snotty millionaires and brave little wronged chorus girls. Their lives were no more glamorous than their readers. They were the same mixture of greed and fear and smelly sweat and deceit and two-bit passion. My particular prostitution was to transform their peccadilloes into virtues, their stubbed toes into tragedies and their fornications into romance. Of course, I was so thunderstruck at being chosen as one of the 21-man crew for the Albert E. that I never got to gloating over it much until we were out in deep space. Yes, it was quite an honor, to say nothing of the pure luck involved. Something like winning the Luna Sweepstakes, only twice as exclusive. We were the pioneers on the first starship, the first to try out the Larson Drive in deep space. At last, man's travel would be measured in parsecs, for our destination was 26 trillion miles down near the celestial south pole. Not much more than a parsec—but a parsec, nonetheless.
Winston Marks (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Lost Sci-Fi Books 21 thru 25 - Five Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 50s and 60sThe Gun by Philip K. Dick - Nothing moved or stirred. Everything was silent, dead. Only the gun showed signs of life ... and the trespassers had wrecked that for all time. The return journey to pick up the treasure would be a cinch ... they smiled. So They Baked A Cake by Winston Marks - He was tired of people—a 'human interest' columnist, who specializes in glamorizations of the commonplace and sordid is likely to get that way. So ... this starship seemed to offer the ideal escape from it all. The Alien Dies at Dawn by Alexander Blade - Kendall Stone had twelve hours to save athousand lives. It wasn't much time, especially since someone was making sure he didn't use it! Unwelcomed Visitor by William Morrison - Xhanph was the fully accredited ambassador from Gfun, and Earth's first visitor from outer space. History and the amenities called for a tremendous reception. But earth people are funny people... Task of Kayin by William Morrison - From out beyond the second sun he came; a fugitive from a dead and sterile world ... seeking solace, friends, a home, on Earth—a planet of even greater terrors.
Alexander Blade, Philip K. Dick, William Morrison, Winston Marks (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Amanda Black 3 - El último minuto
Llega el tercer libro de la colección «Amanda Black», la nueva serie para niños de Juan Gómez-Jurado y Bárbara Montes. Aventuras repletas de misterio, acción trepidante y un ritmo frenético. «Su final es tu principio.» Desde que heredó sus poderes, Amanda no ha tenido ni un momento de descanso: entrenos, deberes, misiones... Pero todo está a punto de cambiar, porque por primera vez ha decidido tomarse el día libre para asistir al baile del instituto. Se comprará un vestido bonito, le pedirá a Jason que la acompañe y todo será genial. ¡El sueño de cualquier adolescente! Sin embargo, las cosas nunca son como una quiere. La mañana del baile, la tía Paula le encomienda a Amanda una misión: evitar que una importante tablilla sumeria que lleva años desaparecida caiga en las manos equivocadas. Y Amanda, como heredera del culto a la diosa Maat, nopuede permitirlo. ¿Será capaz de robar la tablilla antes de que se pierda para siempre? Y, aunque, lo consiga, ¿llegará a tiempo al baile más importante de su adolescencia? Si tienes ganas de vivir una gran aventura, ¡únete a Amanda Black! «LA ADICCIÓN LECTORA ESTÁ ASEGURADA.» Adrián Cordellat, El País
Bárbara Montes, Juan Gómez-Jurado (Author), Sol De La Barreda (Narrator)
Captain Underpants and the Revolting Revenge of the Radioactive RoboBoxers (Captain Underpants #10)
George and Harold have to figure out how to fix history in the tenth book in this #1 New York Times bestselling series by Dav Pilkey, the creator of Dog Man! George and Harold have been turned into evil zombie nerds doomed to roam a devastated, postapocalyptic planet for all eternity! Unfortunately, the boys can't count on Captain Underpants for help because Tippy Tinkletrousers and his time-traveling hijinks prevented George and Harold from creating him in the first place! With Tippy having changed the course of human history forever, George and Harold will have to figure out a way to change it back!
Dav Pilkey (Author), I'ke Mitchell, Len Forgione, Winston Bromhead (Narrator)
Ronan Boyle Into the Strangeplace
Detective Ronan Boyle's To-Do List Fight the Leprechaun Navy on their own turf Deliver Crom Cruach, undead bog man, to Raghall, King of the Leprechauns Reorder dog diapers (XL) Follow Seamus McSheehy, Earth's finest living dancer, into the Strangeplace and stop his evil scheme to become a god of Irish dance (time permitting) DO NOT FALL IN LOVE with Captain de Valera, despite her vibe, self-confidence, and cool new haircut PROVE PARENTS' INNOCENCE, STOP LORD DESMOND DOOLEY, FIND A DECENT PLACE FOR LUNCH WITH VEGETARIAN OPTIONS (not in that exact order) Get new shillelagh and beret for "hot leprechaun summer" Pay down the 7803 euros in fees owed to the Special Unit of Tir na Nog Maybe DO profess love to Captain de Valera? No-bury that down deep andlater write a sad series of plays about it Rescue PIERRE THE FAR DARRIG! (If he's even still alive?!)
Thomas Lennon (Author), Thomas Lennon (Narrator)
There is a new Animorph. And he's arrived just in time, because the Yeerks are preparing their biggest takeover ever. Their ultimate target: the world's most powerful leaders, all gathered together in one place. What better way to get into the minds of humans? Literally. At first, David joins the fight with a vengeance. But there's definitely something wrong. Because he's starting to break the rules, taking risks that could get them all captured. Or killed. The Animorphs don't know what to do. There was a time when the Yeerks were their greatest enemy, but that's about to change...
Katherine Applegate (Author), Macleod Andrews (Narrator)
Spellbound Ponies: Dancing and Dreams
Enchanting stories, taking the reader on magical pony adventures… Can they rescue ALL the ponies… The ponies of Pemberley Stables have been bound by magic and each of them are trapped in time. Can two brave girls help get them back? Margot the dressage pony keeps getting all of her steps wrong. But can Olivia and Eliza help break the spell that is making her so clumsy and bring her back to the stables?
Stacy Gregg (Author), Emma Powell (Narrator)
Welcome to 2048. Every graduate of the B.E.S.T. Program can receive a bionic enhancement as a rite of passage. For Ace Wells, it is just the beginning of his epic augmentation journey in book one of this near-future sci-fi trilogy.Eleven-year-old Ace Wells's dream has finally come true: he is a new cadet in the B.E.S.T. (Biological Enhancement Systems Technology) Program. Until now, he's been living in the shadow of his superstar brother, Finn-but not for long. This is new Ace! He knows he can make his mark on the world with SuperSoar wings, but on day one, nothing goes as planned. The antagonistic elevator AI Otis, wants to eat his belongings, the physical feats set by his tough-nut coach are impossible, and his celebrity roommates are far from welcoming. It becomes crystal clear that Ace is not prepared to fly-in any sense of the word. As tensions build, Ace has a sinking suspicion that there's something more going on at B.E.S.T. than meets the eye. Will he ever make it to graduation and get the aug of his dreams? Join Ace and find out as he tests his strength and grit in this page-turning middle grade adventure!
Cori McCarthy (Author), Zachary Roe (Narrator)
Heart-stopping fantasy from the Costa-shortlisted and critically acclaimed author of the bestselling The Midnight Guardians. Step into a world of faery tricks and hidden danger... When an evil faerie steals Yanni's baby sister and swaps her for a Changeling, Yanni is swept into a dangerous race against time to get her back. For faeries delight in tricks and rescuing her won't be easy. With the help of his cousin, Amy, and the reluctant Changeling, Yanni must travel to goblin palaces and battle-swept oceans, discovering ancient treasures and secrets along the way. Yanni will need every drop of courage and even a few tricks of his own, if he's to outwit the faerie and save his sister... Ross Montgomery brings the magical world of British folklore to life in this contemporary fantasy novel. Bursting with Ross's trademark charm, humour and heart, and with echoes of David Bowie's Labyrinth, The Chime Seekers is perfect listening for fans of Emma Carroll, Piers Torday and David Solomons. PRAISE FOR THE MIDNIGHT GUARDIANS Waterstones Children's Book of the Month for Christmas 2020 Hive Children's Book of the Month for November 2020 A Toppsta Children's Book of the Month for November 2020 'An enthralling, Narnia-flavoured novel with the folkloric feels of a Christmas classic.' Children's Books of the Year, Guardian 'Beautifully drawn fantasy characters ... a story of hope and love underpinned by witty humour." Daily Mail 'A magical slice of historical fantasy fiction." i Newspaper 'This lovely adventure story has the feel of a classic children's book.' Book of the Week, The Week Junior "'A mythic, comic, classic adventure." David Solomons "Glorious! A joy of a joy of a thing." Katherine Rundell 'A gem of book, jam-packed with heart and humour and one utterly unique set of friends.' Peter Bunzl "Pure magic. Storytelling at its very best." Abi Elphinstone 'A real triumph of the imagination.' Editor's Choice, The Bookseller
Ross Montgomery (Author), Chris Devon (Narrator)
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