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Chicken Farm by Ross Rocklynne - Harvey was a most unusual little man. A Cosmos-minded man with great singleness of purpose. He could discover asteroid-juncture faults with the greatest of ease, and 'perp' planets, too... But could he find Anna from Oregon who doubted his greatest discovery of all? Just in from a long haul searching for asteroid juncture points, Harvey entered the lobby of the Hotel de Mars and went straight to the registration desk. The woman at the desk, who was blond, and blue-eyed, and inclining to chubbiness, looked at him, smiled. The smile was of such quality that Harvey's singed brown face set into a mold of utter attention. Finally he let out his breath. 'I want a room,' said he, 'on the Deimos side.' He attentively studied the cheerful face while she made out slips, accepted his signature, accepted his money. After he had the key, after he had his change, after everything was taken care of, he still stood there. The woman smiled into his seamed eyes. 'Was there something else?' Harvey said, noting the emptiness of her chubby ring-finger, 'Ma'am, I'm an abrupt, outspoken man. I have no sense of humor. Some people like me; some people don't. I make my living moving around the solar system. I've never been rich, but I never have any trouble making money, as much as I want. Now what was your question again?' Her fingers slowly caressed a yellow pencil. Her smile was a little strained. She said cautiously, 'I thought you wanted something else. What you want to do is talk, isn't it? You're in from a long space-haul, it's lonely out there, men get so they have to talk to a woman, don't they? So you'd like to take me out to dinner? And take me to a show? And take me up to your room to watch Deimos, which happens to shine only into the windows of your room?' He looked at her. 'I have no sense of humor,' he repeated with great patience.
Ross Rocklynne (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Sci-Fi Asteroids - 8 Science Fiction Short Stories by Philip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury, Frederik Pohl an
Eight science fiction short stories from some of the best sci-fi authors of the 1940s, 50s and 60s. - The Addicts by William Morrison - The Monster Maker by Ray Bradbury - Piper In The Woods by Philip K. Dick - Jonah of the Jove-Run by Ray Bradbury - Space-Lane of No-Return by George Whittington - And The Gods Laughed by Fredric Brown - Asteroid of the Damned by Frederik Pohl - The Planetoid of Peril by Paul Ernst
Frederik Pohl, Fredric Brown, George Whittington, Paul Ernst, Philip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury, William Morrison (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Message From Mars by Clifford D. Simak - Fifty-five pioneers had died on the 'bridge of bones' that spanned the Void to the rusty plains of Mars. Now the fifty-sixth stood on the red planet, his only ship a total wreck—and knew that Earth was doomed unless he could send a warning within hours. 'You're crazy, man,' snapped Steven Alexander, 'you can't take off for Mars alone!' Scott Nixon thumped the desk in sudden irritation. 'Why not?' he shouted. 'One man can run a rocket. Jack Riley's sick and there are no other pilots here. The rocket blasts in fifteen minutes and we can't wait. This is the last chance. The only chance we'll have for months.' Jerry Palmer, sitting in front of the massive radio, reached for a bottle of Scotch and slopped a drink into the tumbler at his elbow. 'Hell, Doc,' he said, 'let him go. It won't make any difference. He won't reach Mars. He's just going out in space to die like all the rest of them.' Alexander snapped savagely at him. 'You don't know what you're saying. You drink too much.' 'Forget it, Doc,' said Scott. 'He's telling the truth. I won't get to Mars, of course. You know what they're saying down in the base camp, don't you? About the bridge of bones. Walking to Mars over a bridge of bones.' The old man stared at him. 'You have lost faith? You don't think you'll go to Mars?' Scott shook his head. 'I haven't lost my faith. Someone will get there ... sometime. But it's too soon yet. Look at that tablet, will you!' He waved his hand at a bronze plate set into the wall. 'The roll of honor,' said Scott, bitterly. 'Look at the names. You'll have to buy another soon. There won't be room enough.' One Nixon already was on that scroll of bronze. Hugh Nixon, fifty-fourth from the top. And under that the name of Harry Decker, the man who had gone out with him.
Clifford D. Simak (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
When Tori saw what she thought was a garden gnome in her backyard, little did she guess the adventures that would await her. Armed with kindness, compassion, and a few funny jokes, this young girl sets out on the quest of a lifetime – to help the magical phoenix be reborn, and prevent the world from falling into darkness. She travels underground rivers, meets magical creatures, and overcomes great obstacles in her quest for the phoenix. Along the way, Tori will also discover just how much magic she has inside herself, and if a single young girl can save the entire world.
Erin Lucero (Author), Erin Lucero (Narrator)
Hay tres cosas de las que estoy completamente segura: 1) Mi nombre es Emma Stonem. 2) Sería capaz de hacer cualquier cosa por mi hermano. 3) Soy una actriz de teatro, una lo suficientemente buena para que mi director no me haya echado todavía. Ahora, hay tres cosas que no sabía hasta ayer: 1) Mi nombre es Emma Bright y, al parecer, eso no es bueno si eres una chica. 2) Mi hermano es uno de los mejores agentes del Servicio Secreto Británico y está desaparecido en acción. 3) Soy la opción más adecuada para concluir su misión, y necesitaré algo más que saber actuar. Eso sin contar que si fallo muchas personas pagarán por eso. ¡Pero, sin presiones! Así que cuando el MI6 comprendió que yo posiblemente podría encontrar a Ethan y concluir su misión, no me dejaron mucha opción más que aceptar. Seguir los últimos pasos de mi hermano en París no debería ser un gran problema… si todo el mundo no desconfiara de mí, o si no quisiera matar al joven agente que tiene la misión de asegurar mi bienestar, o si no supiera que corro mucho más peligro del que me dijeron.
Sofia Dalesio (Author), Gabriela Cuzco (Narrator)
We present a heartfelt tribute to what many call vocation or purpose. Join me in the journey of a young man, Kadmiel, as he ventures through various trades in search of his true calling, reflecting the experiences shared by millions worldwide, as Vicki Robin eloquently conveyed in her book, 'The Stock Market or Life.' Some find their passion early on and follow a steady path, while others, like Kadmiel, zigzag through a dozen jobs, always moving forward. However, this work serves a dual purpose. Beyond just Kadmiel's tale, it aims to awaken us from the slumber of life's vicious cycle. Most of us find ourselves trapped in the belief that work solely exists to pay the bills, inadvertently forgetting the essential question: What about our happiness? Vicki Robin's words beautifully encapsulate this scenario - if the daily grind truly brought us joy and a sense of fulfillment, the trials and inconveniences would be a minor price to pay. But increasingly, it's evident that money doesn't guarantee the happiness we seek beyond a certain level of comfort. If this resonates with you in any way, this book is meant for you. It delves into the quest for meaning and happiness that many of us find ourselves on.
Felipe Chavarro Polanía (Author), Bryan Wilson, Christine Stevens, Luis Robinson, Luke Harris, Marcus Burton, Martin Payne, Maxi Holmes, Michael Owen, Otoniel Lewis (Narrator)
[Spanish] - El Libro de la Selva (Versión Íntegra)
'El Libro de la Selva (Versión Íntegra)' es una obra maestra atemporal de Rudyard Kipling, ahora disponible en formato de audiolibro sin abreviar. Esta clásica aventura, ambientada en las vibrantes selvas de la India, es perfecta para los lectores jóvenes adultos que buscan una narrativa rica y emocionante. La narración en este audiolibro es clara y nítida, capturando cada matiz de la prosa evocadora de Kipling. La voz del narrador te envolverá, transportándote a un mundo exótico de aventura y descubrimiento. Cada personaje cobra vida con una interpretación vocal única, creando una experiencia auditiva inmersiva que te mantendrá enganchado de principio a fin. 'El Libro de la Selva (Versión Íntegra)' es más que una simple historia de aventuras. Es una exploración de la ley de la selva, la amistad, y la lucha por la supervivencia. A través de las experiencias de Mowgli, Kipling examina temas profundos como la identidad, la pertenencia y el crecimiento personal. Ya sea que estés redescubriendo este clásico de tu juventud o compartiéndolo con una nueva generación, 'El Libro de la Selva (Versión Íntegra)' es una adición imprescindible para tu colección de audiolibros. No te pierdas la oportunidad de experimentar esta joya literaria como nunca antes.
Rudyard Kipling (Author), José Félix Rivas (Narrator)
Toknowsomewhere: the adventure begins... part one
Toknowsomewhere: the adventure begins is the first in a four part series. Two children decide to go on an adventure in the woods and are transported to a world of magic and mystery. There are songs and poems, danger and adventure. The children must rely on each other and with the help of a little dragon and other creatures, find their way home.
Alan Pierce (Author), Alan Pierce (Narrator)
[Spanish] - El Mago de Oz (sin abreviar)
¡Descubre el maravilloso mundo de 'El Mago de Oz' de Lyman F. Baum en esta cautivadora versión en audiolibro en español! Sumérgete en una experiencia auditiva excepcional, donde la calidad del audio y la narración superior te transportarán a tierras mágicas y personajes inolvidables. Nuestro audiolibro de 'El Mago de Oz' ha sido producido con un cuidado meticuloso para ofrecerte una calidad de audio superior. Cada palabra es pronunciada con claridad y precisión, permitiéndote disfrutar de cada detalle y sumergirte por completo en esta fascinante historia. La narración es realizada por un talentoso narrador que ha sido seleccionado cuidadosamente por su habilidad para transmitir emociones y dar vida a los personajes. Cada voz, cada diálogo, se representa con maestría, envolviéndote en la magia y la aventura de Dorothy y sus amigos en su viaje hacia el maravilloso mundo de Oz. Además, este audiolibro de 'El Mago de Oz' presenta el texto completo y sin abreviaciones, asegurando que no te pierdas ni un solo detalle de esta clásica historia. Cada capítulo, cada encuentro y cada desafío son narrados en su totalidad, permitiéndote disfrutar de la riqueza y profundidad de la obra original. Todo esto se ofrece a un precio accesible, brindándote un gran valor por tu inversión. Obtén horas de entretenimiento y sumérgete en la magia de 'El Mago de Oz' una y otra vez, disfrutando de una experiencia de audición inigualable. No pierdas la oportunidad de embarcarte en este viaje inolvidable. Adquiere ahora nuestro audiolibro de 'El Mago de Oz' en español y déjate llevar por la magia, la aventura y la emoción de esta obra maestra literaria.
Lyman F. Baum (Author), José Félix Rivas (Narrator)
Descubre la increíble aventura de Ozma de Oz en una nueva y emocionante forma con nuestro audiolibro en español! Con una calidad de audio impecable, nuestro audiolibro te sumergirá en el mundo mágico de Oz con cada palabra. Nuestro audiolibro de Ozma de Oz en español ofrece la mejor calidad de audio por el precio que pagarás. Cada palabra es clara y nítida, lo que garantiza la máxima comprensión y disfrute de la historia. Además, nuestra narradora ha sido cuidadosamente seleccionada para asegurar una pronunciación perfecta de cada palabra en español, para que no te pierdas ni un solo detalle de esta emocionante historia. Si eres un fanático de la literatura clásica y disfrutas de la comodidad de un audiolibro de alta calidad, ¡no puedes perderte esta versión de Ozma de Oz en español! Compra nuestro audiolibro ahora y disfruta de una aventura emocionante en Oz, como nunca antes lo has experimentado.
L. Frank Baum (Author), José Felíx Rivas (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Eco-Bio Rangers 'Inclemencias': Mucho mas que mal clima
Eco-Bio Rangers “Inclemencias” es el comienzo de una trilogía llena de desafíos y aventuras que vivirán cuatro intrépidos científicos y ecologistas. En esta primera entrega, los protagonistas viajarán por todo el planeta ayudando y socorriendo a los damnificados de catástrofes naturales, hasta toparse con un villano épico que, mediante la manipulación climática pretende ejecutar sus maléficos planes y así apoderarse del mundo. Las anomalías climáticas que el diabólico villano genera, destruyen ciudades y derrumban íconos históricos a su paso, poniendo en peligro millones de vidas y la ecología de la Tierra. Esto llevará a los rescatistas a luchar contra mortíferos robots y monstruosas criaturas mientras salvan al planeta. Los héroes serán la única esperanza del mundo ante las amenazas y tendrán que enfrentarse a las circunstancias creando nuevas tecnologías, adaptando armas, modificando sus trajes de rescate y realizando viajes interestelares. Una apasionante aventura pensada en un futuro no muy lejano, con la naturaleza tomando revancha contra la ambición desmedida del hombre.
Alejandro Valentino (Author), Florencia Latorre (Narrator)
Welcome Martians by Evan Hunter - Only one question seemed important in this huge space venture: Who was flying where? The only sound was the swish of the jets against the sand as the big ship came down. Slowly, nose pointed skyward, a yellow tail streaming out behind the tubes, it settled to the ground like a cat nuzzling its haunches against a velvet pillow. Dave Langley peered through the viewport. 'I feel kind of funny,' he said. A tremor of excitement flooded through Cal Manners' thin frame. 'Mars,' he whispered. 'We made it.' Gently, the fins probed the sand, poking into it. Cal cut the power and the big ship shuddered and relaxed, a huge metal spider with a conical head. Cal peered through the viewport, his eyes scanning the planet. Behind him, Dave shrugged into a space suit, gathered up his instruments. 'I'll make the tests,' Dave said. 'Keep the starboard guns trained on me.' Cal nodded. He walked Dave to the airlock and lifted the toggles on the inner hatch. Dave stepped into the small chamber, and Cal snapped the hatch shut. He walked quickly to the starboard guns, wiggled into the plastic seat behind them and pitched his shoulders against the braces. Outside, like a grotesque balloon, Dave stumbled around on weighted feet, taking his readings. What's out there? Cal wondered. Just exactly what? He tightened his grip on the big blasters, and trained the guns around to where Dave puttered in the sand. Dave suddenly stood erect, waved at Cal, and started lumbering back toward the ship. Cal left the guns and went to the airlock. He stepped into the chamber closed the toggles on the hatch behind him, and twirled the wheel on the outer hatch. He was ready to move back into the ship again when Dave stepped through the outer hatch, his helmet under his arm.
Evan Hunter (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
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