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Lost Sci-Fi Books 31 thru 40 - Ten Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 50s and 60sBeyond Lies The Wub by Philip K. Dick - The slovenly wub might well have said: Many men talk like philosophers and live like fools. Journey for the Brave by Alan E. Nourse - Courage will be a big qualification for the pilot who flies the first moon rocket. Who decides if a man is brave or a coward? Wanderlust by Alan E. Nourse - Tad looked to the spaceways for adventure. His father knew disaster would end his Wanderlust Export Commodity by Irving Cox Jr. - He was sent to obtain a soil sample. It was a routine assignment, but not the only method for discovering an Export Commodity Zurk by Richard O. Lewis - Marene was next when the space cruiser called for its youth-levy. If only Zurk would spark to life. The Eyes Have It by Philip K. Dick - Theoretically, you could find this type of humor anywhere. But only a topflight science-fictionist could have written this story. WANTED: One Sane Man by Frank M. Robinson - They bragged they could supply a man for any job. Maxwell doubted this, needing a space pilot for the first Lunar trip. Now, if he had just asked for a lunatic... The Pioneer by Irving Cox Jr - Greg was sure the kids had no right being in control of a planet; after all what had they learned about life? The Invisible Enemy by Arnold Castle - At fifteen he was sent to war to fight an enemy he couldn't understand. The Beachcomber by Damon Knight - Alice saw the Beachcomber as a glorious hunk of man; Maxwell saw him as a super being from the future. He was both!
Alan E. Nourse, Arnold Castle, Damon Knight, Frank M. Robinson, Irving Cox Jr., Philip K. Dick, Richard O. Lewis (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Debut author Amina Luqman-Dawson pens a lyrical, accessible historical middle-grade novel about two enslaved children's escape from a plantation and the many ways they find freedom. Under the cover of night, twelve-year-old Homer flees Southerland Plantation with his little sister Ada, unwillingly leaving their beloved mother behind. Much as he adores her and fears for her life, Homer knows there's no turning back, not with the overseer on their trail. Through tangled vines, secret doorways, and over a sky bridge, the two find a secret community called Freewater, deep in the swamp. In this society created by formerly enslaved people and some freeborn children, Homer finds new friends, almost forgetting where he came from. But when he learns of a threat that could destroy Freewater, he crafts a plan to find his mother and help his new home. Deeply inspiring and loosely based on the history of maroon communities in the South, this is a striking tale of survival, adventure, friendship, and courage.
Amina Luqman-Dawson (Author), Cary Hite, Sisi Aisha Johnson (Narrator)
Three Lost Seeds: Stories of Becoming
Each of the three seeds in this story?a cherry seed in the Middle East, an acacia seed in Australia, a lotus seed in Asia?survives a difficult journey through flood, fire, or drought, then sprouts (in the case of the lotus seed, a hundred years later) and flourishes. To author Stephie Morton, nature's powerful forces are a metaphor for the hardships faced by displaced children. Kids, like seeds, thrive when given a chance.
Stephie Morton (Author), Eunice Wong, Nikki Thomas, Steven Jay Cohen (Narrator)
'The whistling had started on their first night. At first, Layah thought it was bird song - a high thin sound which became a melody, rising and falling. And each night, it returned.' Strange things have been happening to Layah and her younger sister, Izzie, ever since their mother dragged them to a rain-soaked cottage miles from anywhere in the Lake District: there is a peculiar whistling at night, a handful of unusual feathers appear and a sudden, frightening banging at the door. And their mother is behaving very oddly. Layah is mourning the loss of her dear grandmother in Poland - and can almost hear her voice telling her the old myths, legends and fairy tales from that place. And as the holiday takes on a dark twist, Layah begins to wonder if the myths might just be real. A deliciously spine-tingling story with sisterhood at its heart. I loved it. -- A.F. Steadman A captivating story, full of intrigue. -- Abi Elphinstone Polish folklore meets the Lake District in a spooky page-turning mystery. I devoured it in one gulp. -- Phil Hickes The Bird Singers is a gloriously dark fantasy from an exciting new voice. A magical adventure with friendship and family at its heart. Eve Wersocki Morris's debut is one to look out for! -- Liz Kessler Dark, intoxicating, so full of killer twists I didn't know who to trust! This is an exciting, highly original debut from a great storyteller. -- Emma Carroll
Eve Wersocki Morris (Author), Esther Wane, TBD (Narrator)
Trent Reedy returns to McCall, Idaho, in this thrilling new wintry companion to Hunter's Choice. Kelton Fielding has always felt out of place, never sure what to say to his peers who, truth be told, only tolerate him. When a snowmobile race is announced at McCall's annual Winter Festival, Kelton sees his chance to impress his classmates. He'll fix up his old sled and get it running, and he's planned out a risky shortcut through the wilderness that he's sure will win him the prize. But when the popular Swann Siddiq and Kelton's nemesis, Hunter Higgins, follow him into the backcountry, Kelton quickly runs into trouble and realizes that the competition is the least of his worries. With bad weather closing in and the risk of avalanche on the mountain, Kelton and the others find themselves in real danger, relying on their wits and teamwork to survive.
Trent Reedy (Author), Matt Godfrey (Narrator)
With three hearts and blue blood, its gelatinous body unconstrained by jointed limbs or gravity, the octopus seems to be an alien, an inhabitant of another world. It’s baggy, boneless body sprouts eight arms covered with thousands of suckers—suckers that can taste as well as feel. The octopus also has the powers of a superhero: it can shape-shift, change color, squirt ink, pour itself through the tiniest of openings, or jet away through the sea faster than a swimmer can follow. But most intriguing of all, octopuses—classed as mollusks, like clams—are remarkably intelligent with quirky personalities. This book, an inquiry into the mind of an intelligent invertebrate, is also a foray into our own unexplored planet. These thinking, feeling creatures can help readers experience and understand our world (and perhaps even life itself) in a new way.
Sy Montgomery (Author), Sy Montgomery (Narrator)
Biest & Bethany - Ein gefundenes Fressen | 2: Hungriger denn je zuvor
Wie wird man ein guter Mensch? Das Biest scheint besiegt zu sein und Bethany und Ebenezer sind wahre Freunde geworden. Ende gut, alles gut - oder? Von wegen! Von nun an wollen die beiden 'gute Menschen' werden und alle Spuren des Biests beseitigen. Im Rahmen der großen Entbiesterung werden die vielen glamourösen Geschenke des Biests kurzerhand für kleines Geld an die Nachbarschaft verkauft. Weg mit den schlimmen Erinnerungen! Doch Ebenezer vermisst seinen luxuriösen Lebensstil schnell und auch Bethany fehlen ihre fiesen Streiche. Währenddessen benimmt sich die liebliche Wintlorsche Papageiendame Claudette immer seltsamer. Ob das an dem biestigen und durchtriebenen Wurm liegt, den Claudette vor kurzem verspeist hat? Mechthild Großmanns rauchige Stimme und genüssliche Intonation ergänzen auch im zweiten Teil von Biest & Bethany perfekt die herrlich skurrile Gruselreihe!
Jack Meggitt-Phillips (Author), Mechthild Großmann (Narrator)
Ein Jahr voller Märchen: Der Hörbuch-Kalender: 7. Woche des Jahres, Februar (Teil 7/52)
Ein Hörbuch-Jahreskalender voller Märchen! Woche für Woche sieben Märchen aus aller Welt! Woche 7: Des Kaisers neue Kleider, Das Waldhaus, Siebenjahr, Das Mädchen mit dem Holznapf, Der Brahmane, der Tiger und die sechs Richter, Juan Hexenmeister, Der Katzenkönig.
Hans Christian Andersen, The Brothers Grimm (Author), Jürgen Fritsche (Narrator)
Ein Jahr voller Märchen: Der Hörbuch-Kalender: 8. Woche des Jahres, Februar (Teil 8/52)
Ein Hörbuch-Jahreskalender voller Märchen! Woche für Woche sieben Märchen aus aller Welt! Woche 8: Die Sparbüchse, Der Meisterdieb, Der verzauberte See, Die sieben Fohlen, Die drei Brüder und die Hexe, Die Herrin auf Pintorp, Jack und der Bohnenstengel.
Hans Christian Andersen, The Brothers Grimm (Author), Jürgen Fritsche (Narrator)
Ein Jahr voller Märchen: Der Hörbuch-Kalender: 6. Woche des Jahres, Februar (Teil 6/52)
Ein Hörbuch-Jahreskalender voller Märchen! Woche für Woche sieben Märchen aus aller Welt! Woche 6: Tölpel-Hans, Die Nelke, Die beiden Fürstenkinder von Monteleone, Das schöne Hirtenmädchen, Die vierzig Prinzen und der siebenköpfige Drache, Der starke Hans, Der Mesnersohn
Hans Christian Andersen, The Brothers Grimm (Author), Jürgen Fritsche (Narrator)
James Fenimore Cooper: Der Wildtöter: Lederstrumpf, Teil 1. Eine Abenteuergeschichte.
James Fenimore Cooper (1789 - 1851) schrieb mit der 'Lederstrumpf'-Serie ungeheuer erfolgreiche Abenteuer-Romane. Die Geschichten von 'Falkenauge' und 'Chingachgook' fanden ein weltweites Publikum. Der vorliegende Teil 1, Der Wildtöter, liegt hier als gekürzte Version für ein jüngeres Publikum vor.
James Fenimore Cooper (Author), Jürgen Fritsche (Narrator)
The tale of two unlikely friends team up to save each other. When a robot is in desperate need of help for survival, no one is around to help. But then comes along man's best friend, well not only man.
Kyle Oechslin, Salvador Fernandez (Author), Zander Torres (Narrator)
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