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Мир иногда бывает несправедлив… И хорошо, если на помощь приходят настоящие друзья — такие, как Пират. Они выручат, когда случится беда, и придумают невероятные проказы. Мальчишки и девчонки небольшого посёлка обитают на берегу озера, воды которого хранят
юлия лавряшина (Author), юрий романов (Narrator)
Жизнь Альки похожа на калейдоскоп событий! Приключения сами находят её, а если не находят, то она их придумывает, как сочинила и песенку про лосося, которую запела вся школа. Никто не догадывается, как непроста жизнь этой весёлой, остроумной девчонки. Отч
юлия лавряшина (Author), елизавета чабан (Narrator)
'Тайна бабушкиного сундука' - почти ничего неизвестно, но до Ромки и его друзей — героев повести — дошли отдаленные слухи. И теперь мальчишкам предстоит раскрыть тайну заброшенного дома и сундука, обнаруженного на старом чердаке. Им придется не раз рискну
лада кутузова (Author), Andrey крупник (Narrator)
О чем поет коростель? Не всем по вкусу его странная песня… Как не все родители хотят, чтоб их ребенок дружил с девочкой-инвалидом… А если эта девочка несет в себе солнце и радость? И с ней Валерке интересно, как ни с кем другим? Ведь только Зинка может ск
юлия лавряшина (Author), елизавета чабан (Narrator)
A high-stakes adventure story full of heart from debut author Varsha Shah – winner of the Times/Chicken House Children's Fiction Competition 2020! Abandoned on the Mumbai railways, Ajay has grown up with nothing but a burning wish to be a journalist. Finding an abandoned printing press, he and his friends Saif, Vinod, Yasmin and Jai create their own newspaper: The Mumbai Sun. As they hunt down stories for their paper, the children uncover corruption, fight for justice and battle to save their slum from bulldozers. But against some of the most powerful forces in the city, can Ajay and his friends really succeed in bringing the truth to light? Not to mention win the most important cricket match ever ...
Varsha Shah (Author), Susheel Kumar (Narrator)
Scatter Brain Stewart the Fire Captain's Son
Stewart was the Fire Captain's son and Stewart wanted nothing more than to become a junior fireman, a 'fire boy.' Finally the Captain agreed and Stewart had a bed right along with the regular firemen. When the first alarm sounded Steward was so excited he forgot to put on his boots and all the firemen waited while Steward went back for his boots. Needless to say, this made them late to the fire and everyone was upset. The firemen began calling him 'Scatter-Brain Stewart.' This behavior continued until the firemen came up with a plan and the next time Stewart and the crew were the first ones to the fire. The Captain was very pleased. But even the best plans are not always perfect. Scatter-Brain Stewart was not completely ready to help fight the fire!
Steve Sahlein (Author), The Peter Pan Players (Narrator)
Brees is a little girl who loves cats. She loves cats so much she wants to be one. She has a change of heart and realize being her momma's little girl is good enough.
S J Mclemore (Author), Kasey Miracle (Narrator)
England is in the throes of the War of the Roses. As the houses of Lancaster and York vie for the crown, young Richard Shelton eagerly serves under his guardian, Sir Daniel Brackley, whose lessons he hopes will make him worthy of becoming a knight. But Sir Daniel and his allies have been targeted by the outlaws known as the fellowship of the Black Arrow. This band of archers has a different lesson to teach Dick about loyalty, honor, revenge, and the ambiguities between good and evil. Originally serialized in a periodical of boys' adventure fiction, The Black Arrow furthered the genre of the historical novel through its swashbuckling action and its portrayal of a young man's journey to discover the heroism within himself.
Robert Louis Stevenson (Author), Cora Mcdonald (Narrator)
A gripping sea adventure featuring a lost father and a cursed ship. When Ravian's father doesn't return home from sea for his son's birthday, Ravian is certain he must be in danger. Hearing tales of a cursed ship that captures fishermen, Ravian goes in search of his father accompanied by his only friend Marvin the seagull. Before long, the pair find themselves trapped on the ship with a kindly boy and a bad-tempered pirate for company. The ensuing voyage is beset with battles with giant squid and fierce storms, and Ravian despairs of ever finding his father. A wonderful story of friendship and overcoming fears, translated from Dutch by Laura Watkinson, Carnegie-Medal 2020 short-listed translator of Lampie by Annet Schaap.
Jonne Kramer (Author), Gregg Lowe (Narrator)
L'Inferno di Malinverno: ovvero Diabolici (e inutili) tentativi di liberarsi di un gatto nero
«Dunque, ero lì che mi stavo occupando di uno dei compiti più importanti di tutto l'Inferno...» «Stavi solo contando i dannati del tuo girone.» «Non mi interrompere, gatto! Ero lì che mi facevo gli affari miei quando salta fuori questo scocciatore di un gatto nero. Dice che gli ho salvato la vita, bla bla bla e mi resta appiccicato neanche fosse ricoperto di pece.» «Non ti fare illusioni: i gatti si affezionano alle caverne e non ai diavoli.» «Insomma, cerco di liberarmene in ogni modo, ma tutto ciò che ottengo è l'Inferno completamente distrutto!» «O quasi.» «O quasi, già!» «Beh, che aspettate? Malinverno è il diavolo più spassoso e assurdo che abbia mai incontrato. Parola di gatto Mammone!» «Ehi!» «Che c'è?» «Niente, lascia stare!»
Stefano Amadei (Author), Stefano Amadei (Narrator)
Una fantasiosa spremuta di canzoni, indovinelli, fiabe ed emozionanti racconti. Vieni a incontrare Alì l'Apprendista Scriba, la piccola Fatina Gaia e, se ne hai il coraggio, a fare quatto passi nel Giardino dell'Orco! Riuscirà il diavolo Malinverno a realizzare i suoi diabolici e loschi piani? Scoprilo all'interno di Racconti Svolazzanti Vol.2!
Stefano Amadei (Author), Stefano Amadei (Narrator)
Ada und Zangemann: Ein Märchen über Software, Skateboards und Himbeereis
Ein Buch über den selbstbestimmten Umgang mit Technik - Ein modernes Märchen, das die Freude am Tüfteln vermittelt und zum selbstbestimmten Umgang mit Software aufruft: für Kinder ab 6 Jahren - Eine charmante Geschichte, die auch den (vorlesenden) Erwachsenen Spaß macht - Mit vierfarbigen Illustrationen von Sandra Brandstätter (u.a. Character-Designerin für die Serie »Trudes Tier«, Sendung mit der Maus) In einer riesigen Villa hoch oben über der Stadt lebt der berühmte Erfinder Zangemann. Erwachsene wie Kinder lieben seine Erfindungen und wollen sie unbedingt haben. Doch dann geschieht etwas: Zangemann kommt in die Stadt, um seine Erfindungen wieder einmal aus der Nähe zu betrachten und – RUMMS! – ein Kind fährt ihm mit seinem Skateboard gegen das Schienenbein. Wutentbrannt trifft der Erfinder eine Entscheidung und dann passieren merkwürdige Dinge… Aber das kluge Mädchen Ada durchschaut, was vor sich geht. Gemeinsam mit ihren Freunden schmiedet sie einen Plan. Das illustrierte Kinderbuch erzählt die Geschichte vom berühmten Erfinder Zangemann und dem Mädchen Ada, einer neugierigen Tüftlerin. Ada beginnt mit Hard- und Software zu experimentieren und erkennt dabei, wie wichtig der selbstbestimmte Umgang mit Software für sie und andere ist. Ein Buch für Kinder ab 6 Jahren, das die Freude am Tüfteln vermittelt und zum selbstbestimmten Umgang mit Technik aufruft.
Matthias Kirschner (Author), Cornelia Bach (Narrator)
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