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The Princess And The Pea: Audiobook in British English
Classic tales in audiobook version. The complete collection includes: The Little Mermaid, The Ugly Duckling, Beauty And The Beast, Little Red Ridding Hood, The Three Little Pigs, Rumpelstiltskin, The Hen That Laid Golden Eggs, The Sky Is Falling, The Princess And The Pea, The Brave Tin Soldier, Jack And The Beanstalk and Snow White.
Alberto Jiménez Rioja (Author), Cometa Roja (Narrator)
The Three Little Pigs: Audiobook in British English
Classic tales in audiobook version. The complete collection includes: The Little Mermaid, The Ugly Duckling, Beauty And The Beast, Little Red Ridding Hood, The Three Little Pigs, Rumpelstiltskin, The Hen That Laid Golden Eggs, The Sky Is Falling, The Princess And The Pea, The Brave Tin Soldier, Jack And The Beanstalk and Snow White.
Esther Sarfatti (Author), Cometa Roja (Narrator)
Jonah a prophet of God decides to disobey God's word and flees away from His presence after being told to go to the great city of Nineveh. In the end, it creates a lot of sorrow as Jonah is tossed by the ship captain and his crew into the ocean.
Paul A. Lynch (Author), Stella June (Narrator)
Endlich Ferien 7: Max und Muriel
In der Schule der magischen Tiere heißt es: Endlich Ferien! Die magischen Tiere packen ihre Koffer und das Abenteuer beginnt. Ein spannender Ferienkrimi mit echtem magischem Tier. Max und seine magische Eule freuen sich auf gemütliche Tage bei Max' Schwester. Doch dann wird Max von einem TV-Team entdeckt. Er darf bei einer Kinder-Show im Ägyptischen Museum mitmachen! Dort überschlagen sich die Ereignisse. Ein alter Bekannter taucht auf und – oje, oje, oje! – plötzlich ist Eule Muriel verschwunden! Spannender Hörspielspaß für große und kleine Leute ab 6 Jahren!
Arne Gedigk, Margit Auer (Author), Achim Buch, Anna Kumosiak, Anne Moll, Arne Gedigk, Benno Lehmann, Dominik Oppon, Elga Schütz, Gianluca Calafato, Johannes Semm, Julian Greis, Kalotta Mispelbaum, Konstantin Graudus, Maja Rist, Malin Steffen, Nora El Shafie (Narrator)
Hertz to Be a Hero is an exciting good-versus-evil battle between a brother-sister superhero team and the evil Mephisto. It is book #2 in the “Wanted: Superheroes” series. The evil Mephisto is still on the prowl, and he hopes to bring the city of Nirvana to its knees by controlling its people with a hypnotizing gas. Now that Damocles, the great superhero, is gone, who can stop this villain? Eddie Hertz, a twelve-year-old genius, and his sister, an eight-year-old super-powered girl named Samantha, have a plan—lure Mephisto into a trap by using themselves and Eddie’s superhero invention as bait. When Mephisto surprises the kids with a plan of his own, they have to call upon every talent and power they possess as well as the skills of their quirky friends to conquer unimaginable dangers—fighting an unworldly octopus creature, riding spool lines across burning skyscrapers to save the people inside, and battling a phantom panther that preys on children. All the while, they know that eventually they will have to face the greatest danger of all—thousands of mind-controlled zombies in Nirvana who are ready to do Mephisto’s bidding to capture Eddie and Samantha, thereby allowing him to achieve his goal to control the city and eventually the world.
Bryan Davis (Author), Keith A. Robinson (Narrator)
Planet Of Doom by C. H. Thames - As a galactic reporter Jane Crowley knew she had hold of the biggest story of the year; thousands of people were soon to die on this — Planet Of Doom Less than an hour after the last spaceship made touchdown on Mandmoora, Jane Crowley stood before a scowling, head shaking public Information Officer. 'My company sent me fifty light years from its nearest base in the Denebian system, Colonel,' Jane said. 'I'm sorry, but it's impossible for me to return to Deneb without my story.' 'This office has issued press releases, my dear Miss Crowley, which—' 'Press releases!' The way Jane uttered those two words made the Colonel wince. 'I didn't come fifty light years for press releases. I came....' She watched the Colonel's face and let her voice trail off. This approach was having absolutely no effect. But Jane Crowley was a woman, young and quite pretty and it was likely, she thought, that where the straightforward, man-to-man approach might fail, the ways of a woman might succeed. 'But Colonel,' she pouted, then let her composed face fall apart as if she were going to cry. 'But Colonel, my job depends on this story. My ... my whole career ... you see ...' she sniffled. 'There now, Miss Crowley,' the Colonel said, looking very uncomfortable. 'There now, miss. Please.' 'Then you'll let me go out there among the Mandmoora?' 'I'm sorry, miss. Out of the question. Definitely out. We've evacuated all the Mandmoora who want to go. What remains is a hard core of Mandmooranian fanatics who refuse to leave their native planet under any circumstances. They've got an island just off shore here, you see.
C. H. Thames (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Meet a child with superhero-like abilities . . . and the parents who are racing to keep up with her in this sweetly funny audiobook about the blur of childhood, from the award-winning creators of Drawn Together. From the very beginning, there was something different about this child... An ultrasonic voice. Fantastically elastic limbs. Super-magnetic powers. But it wasn't until the child took her first steps that she became: THE BLUR! Nothing can stand in her way as she takes the world by storm: always on the move and darting into danger! All too soon, she is zipping through the days, and zooming over the years… Framed as an origin story, here is a fun superhero romp for kids that will pull at the hearstrings of every parent.
Minh Lê (Author), Quyen Ngo (Narrator)
Vincent and the Grandest Hotel on Earth
Perched high on the snowy slopes of the Mabombo Ranges lies The Grandest Hotel on Earth. It's wilder than the African savanna, more fantastical than Disneyland and more magical than Shangri-la. So when ordinary eleven-year-old Vincent meets the hotel's young Florence he sets off on a path leading into his most wondrous dreams. But of course, dreams have a funny way of taking strange and surprising turns and, before long, Vincent is torn between right and wrong, friendship and family and the most enticing of desires - to see into the future . . . Warning: this book includes insanely cute pocket dogs, travelling by llama or jet pack, chocolate fountains and shoes that play Bach.
Lisa Nicol (Author), Darius Williams (Narrator)
Elastic Island Adventures - Flip Flop Bay: Flip Flop Bay
A fun fantasy action-adventure set in the South Pacific. Kiri, Jed, and twins Emma and Ethan discover an ‘elastic’ island that sends them pinging across the ocean to a variety of destinations. Bob the Blue-Footed Booby is running a flying school at Flip Flop Bay, which sounded like fun until the children discovered that this means dressing in weird costumes and launching themselves off the end of the wharf. It’s the latest silly idea in a series of doomed ventures from Bob the Blue-Footed Booby, who is trying to save their small fishing village from closure. Can the children come up with an idea that will save the island and its kooky inhabitants? And what about the complication of The Dastardly Captain Crook? Suitable for children 8 - 12 years MOVIE/ TV RIGHTS OPTIONED BY FUZZY DUCKLING MEDIA!
Karen Mcmillan (Author), Suzy Cato (Narrator)
Pfui, Stinkwanzen: Ein lustiges Kinderhörspiel mit coolen Liedern
Die Hexe Lindenbart will in der Bio-Plantage von Rösele van der Dorn Äpfel kaufen. Doch der Gärtnermeister ist so erschöpft, dass er ständig einschläft. Schon seit Tagen kämpft er in seinem Gewächshaus gegen eine schreckliche Plage: Baumwanzen, eingeschleppt aus dem Land des schiefen Lächelns, machen sich gefräßig über das schöne Obst und Gemüse her. Sie lassen sich durch rein gar nichts vertreiben. Am schlimmsten aber ist: Die Wanzen verbreiten einen ganz fürchterlichen Gestank. Lindenbart und ihr Rabe Igor fallen beinahe in Ohnmacht. Doch da naht unerwartet Rettung, gegen die nicht mal die Stinkwanzen anstinken können. Die Märchenwald-Bewohner können wieder aufatmen. Es sprechen: Erzählerin: Gerlinde Dillge; Hexe Lindenbart & Teppich Kelim: Marcus Klare; Rabe Igor: Florian Sieber; Rösele van der Dorn: Daniel Torwesten; Wanzenchefin Mai-Ling tze Wanz: Kerstin Sägenschnitter; Weitere Wanzen: Jennifer Schaeffer, Anschi Böhle, Franz Reiter; Käsebaron Schean-Schack Cognac: Martina Schaeffer
Martina Schaeffer (Author), Hexe Lindenbart (Narrator)
Laura Blackman: and the five cunning aardvarks
A short fantasy tale about a girl named Ana and her adventures in a mystical forest.
Stella Robson (Author), Derek Steel (Narrator)
Join Ladybug and Cat Noir as they save the day in a full-color, action-packed chapter book series based on Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir. By day, Marinette and Adrien are teens living normal lives. But by night, they turn into Ladybug and Cat Noir and work together to keep Paris safe from the mysterious Hawk Moth. It's Adrien's birthday! Marinette and Adrien's best friend, Nino, are ready to celebrate! When Nino finds out that Adrien's father won't let Adrien have a birthday party, Nino is crushed...and angry! Hawk Moth uses Nino's negative emotions to transform him into the supervillain Bubbler. Claiming that all parents ruin kids' fun, Bubbler wreaks havoc around the city as he uses his bubble wand to capture adults and send them into space. Can Cat Noir and Ladybug pop Bubbler's plans before it's too late? Miraculous(TM) is a trademark of ZAG(TM) - Method(TM).© 2022 ZAGTOON(TM) - METHOD ANIMATION(TM) - TOEI ANIMATION - SAMG - SK BROADBAND - AB INTERNATIONAL - DE AGOSTINI EDITORE S.p.A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Tbd (Author), Cassandra Morris (Narrator)
©PTC International Ltd T/A LoveReading is registered in England. Company number: 10193437. VAT number: 270 4538 09. Registered address: 157 Shooters Hill, London, SE18 3HP.
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