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An out-of-this-world middle-grade adventure about finding friendship in the most unlikely of places. From the bestselling and Waterstones Children's Book Prize shortlisted author of BOY IN THE TOWER. Perfect for fans of Stranger Things and authors, such as Ross Welford and Lisa Thompson. Something strange is happening in Ana's city . . . she's the only one awake. Confused and curious, Ana sets off to explore, bumping into the one other person who's been able to rouse themselves - her ex-best friend, Tio. On a mission to discover what's happening, Ana and Tio journey through the city looking for clues, their friendship mending with every step. When a mysterious creature suddenly materialises in front of them, Ana realises they've found the answer they've been looking for. But one question still remains: Why them? Praise for How I Saved the World in a Week: 'This tense, haunting zombie thriller perfectly balances terrifying peril with emotional depth.' - Guardian 'A fabulous page-turner' - Abi Elphinstone, author of Sky Song 'A compelling and timely survivalist journey' - Sita Brahmachari, author of Where the River Runs Gold 'A brave and powerful story' - Jasbinder Bilan, author of Asha & the Spirit Bird Praise for Boy in the Tower: 'An unusual and very impressive debut' - Fiona Noble, The Bookseller
Polly Ho-Yen (Author), Katie Leung (Narrator)
A super funny and exciting pirate adventure for readers 8+ by the author of the bestselling Land of Roar series. Perfect for fans of BBC’s Ghosts! Sid Jones loves hanging out in the graveyard with her best friend Zen – they are desperate to see a real-life ghost! But when Sid accidentally summons a 300-year-old pirate from the dead, it opens the door to the HALFWAY HOUSE – a magical inn FULL of lost souls from across the ages, all trapped there by a sinister landlord. There are more ghosts that Sid could ever have imagined – and they’re all sure Sid is there to save them! (Sid’s sure there’s been some kind of mistake.) But someone else is watching, and they’re not happy about Sid helping the ghosts . . . Another epic adventure series from the author of the Land of Roar, with magic, peril, pirates, lots of laughs and LOADS of ghosts!
Jenny Mclachlan (Author), Catherine Walker-Booth, Catrin Walker-Booth (Narrator)
If your mum was a cop and your dad was a crim who needed your help to commit a crime, would you do it to save him? At what cost? Nash Hall's dad is a criminal who just can't seem to go straight. He wants Nash to help him commit a robbery. A big one. The trouble is, Nash's mum is a cop. And the robbery is at Nash's school. But Dad owes a lot of money to some very dangerous people and if Nash doesn't help him do the job, it could cost both their lives. From the bestselling author of Two Wolves, The Fall and Detention.
Tristan Bancks (Author), Tristan Bancks (Narrator)
'Wenn Toni malt' von Sandra Baschin ist eine aberwitzige Geschichte in der Geschichte, über den Wunsch einmal ein großer Star zu sein, die Macht der Vorurteile, und deren Überwindung durch die Kraft der Freundschaft, der Gemeinschaft – und der Phantasie. Zusammen mit neun poppigen Liedern entsteht ein ungewöhnliches und packendes Hörspiel für Kinder und Junggebliebene ab 7.
Sandra Baschin (Author), Sandra Baschin (Narrator)
A young woman is rescued from an attempt by her poacher father to drown her in a Florida swamp by a mysterious woman alleged to have magical powers. Fearful at first, the young woman learns to trust the secretive woman who has chosen to hide out in the depths of a hostile environment. The younger woman returns to civilization to claim the farm her father would have stolen from her and to build a relationship with the man she has loved since they were children. The initial encounter between the two women triggers a series of events in which reveal the poacher father's other illegal activities and a plot to destroy the mysterious swamp woman and her family all of whom have magical powers. The young couple, recently married, take on the people who would have destroyed their friends and, with the help of Federal officials, break up a weapons smuggling operation. After the operation mostly succeeds, they return home knowing they will be called once again to deal with the remnants that escaped.
Robert H Cherny (Author), Robert H Cherny (Narrator)
Украсть «Котобой»! или Полет на Луну
Это новый, четвертый, аудиоспектакль по одноименной книге Андрея Усачева о жизни маленькой северной деревушки, в которой живут только коты да старик Степан Мороз. Коты ловят рыбу, сажают огороды и занимаются другими мирными делами. Но все рушится, когда в деревне открывается музей, и туда устремляются толпы туристов. Не выдержав нахлынувшей на Котьму туристической волны, отважные котобои готовы бежать, плыть и лететь… хоть на Луну! В ролях: Автор – Максим Суханов Котаускас – Алексей Багдасаров Митрофанов – Алексей Кортнев Марианна – Юлия Яблонская Афоня, Кот – Кирилл Радциг Шустер – Марина Лисовец Котя – Анастасия Шумилкина Шлында, Журналист, Кот – Илья Сланевский Капитан Егоров, Рабочий, Кот, Журналист - Григорий Перель Степан Мороз – Андрей Усачев Поэт Васькин - Александр Пинегин Сима, Мими, Зизи – Мария Орлова Марфа, Губернаторша – Надежда Меньшова Глобус, Журналист, Кот - Григорий Данцигер Глафира - Наталия Казначеева
андрей усачев (Author), александр пинегин, алексей багдасаров, алексей кортнев, анастасия шумилкина, андрей усачев, григорий данцигер, григорий перель, илья сланевский, кирилл радциг, максим суханов, марина лисовец, мария орлова, надежда меньшова, наталия казначеева, юлия яблонская (Narrator)
Florian ist sauer! Ohne zu fragen, was er oder seine große Schwester Judy davon halten, haben seine Eltern entschieden, aufs Land zu ziehen. Nun sitzt er bei Oma und Opa im schnarchigen Beerental fest, wo die beiden einen heruntergekommenen Märchenpark betreiben. »Irgendwas ist hier faul!«, findet Judy. Wer bricht in die Villa Wolkenheim ein? Was ist das für ein seltsames Leuchten an der Zwergenhöhle? Und weiß Opa vielleicht mehr, als er zugeben mag? Als wäre das nicht genug Chaos für einen Dreizehnjährigen, muss Florian auch noch mit einem Feldwebel von Sportlehrerin klarkommen, seine schrullige Familie ertragen – und furchtbar mutig sein. Denn der Park ist in Gefahr! Ein Roman für Menschen ab 12 Jahren in gendersensibler Sprache. Der Roman ist als Printausgabe im Engelsdorfer Verlag erschienen.
Benjamin Vahldiek (Author), Gerrit Kock (Narrator)
Weißt Du eigentlich woher der Regenbogen kommt und welchen Zweck er tatsächlich erfüllt? Leo wußte es auch nicht. Bis er sich eines Tages auf wundersame Weise in einer Regenbogenfabrik wiederfindet und es von einer freundlichen, kuchenessenden Raupe erklärt bekommt. Und noch viel mehr: Der Regenbogen ist in Gefahr: Ihm fehlt eine Farbe und nur Leo kann ihn retten.
Torben Weber (Author), Torben Weber (Narrator)
Jack Mullet de los Siete Mares
John y James son los padres de Jack. Y han desaparecido. Pero ella ya ha trazado un plan para encontrarlos con la ayuda de sus amigos: el sireno Kraken; Helecho, la aspirante a druida; y Oliver, el fantasma de isla Cangrejo. Así comienza un emocionante viaje por la isla: atraviesan una nube, recorren el desierto de lava, escalan el cráter de un volcán y vuelan sobre dragones. Premio Barco de Vapor 2022
Cristina Fernandez Valls (Author), Paula Rodriguez Osorio (Narrator)
Роман Жюля Верна «Сезарь Каскабель», написанный в 1890 году, рассказывает о необычном, полном всевозможных опасностей путешествии семьи цирковых артистов из Северной Америки через Канаду, Аляску, Берингов пролив и Россию во Францию.
жюль верн (Author), владислав погиба (Narrator)
From the authors and illustrator of I Am Smart, I Am Blessed, I Can Do Anything! comes another story about the always-inspiring Ayaan! Amazing Ayaan loves being a superhero--he helps a friend who has fallen on the playground, gives pushes on the swings, and offers a boost to those who need it at the rock wall. But his fun is ruined when two of his friends tell him he doesn't seem like a superhero, and no one will take him seriously. But Ayaan doesn't completely lose his confidence. When he gets home from school, his Dad reminds him that anybody can be a superhero if you are helping others. And just like that, Ayaan dons his cape and mask. Amazing Ayaan to the rescue!
Alissa Holder, Zulekha Holder-Young (Author), Bahni Turpin (Narrator)
¡Continúan las aventuras de Lulú, el personaje que ha marcado a miles de lectorxes! Lulú está emocionada porque irá a la playa a pasar las vacaciones de verano con su familia, pero, cuando llega, las cosas no salen como ella soñó: los días están nublados, no se puede bañar en el mar porque hay una invasión de medusas y, además, los mosquitos la pican todo el tiempo. Para contrarrestar el aburrimiento, se vuelve adicta a sus redes sociales, aunque sus fotos no logran la popularidad que ansía, y su familia no parece estar dispuesta a hacer todo lo que ella pide para sumar likes. En este volumen, Lulú aprenderá a enfrentarse a las adversidades, respetar la privacidad de los otros y a disfrutar del descanso en compañía de quienes ama.
Josefa Araos, June García Ardiles (Author), Violeta Candal (Narrator)
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